What are you reading? Share your cover! (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
2017-05-20 08.39.29.jpg
Here's my current book which I just started. I did skip ahead to a chapter about half way in as I wanted to grab some knowledge I was wondering on first, which brought a lot of validation. There are not many books out there that focus so well on diet and nutrition in connection to spirituality, but this is a very good one going by the reviews and research I have done. The rainbow diet is something I was already familiar with as I had read about it years ago, and that is an important aspect of this book. (eating the foods that relate to your seven primary energy centers)

What are you reading?

This thread is not just about sharing the name of your book, but actually getting you to take a photo of the cover as that photo will bring with it a part of you, whether it's the background behind the book, your hand, some other items in the picture, or just the thought forms behind the effort and intention you put in to taking the time to do this.

If you are reading an e-book then, if possible, bring it up on the device you read it on and take a photo of that device, that is if you have another device handy to do so! Alternatively you could search for the cover online and just post that.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Sorry, Laron! I've been meaning to shoot/send a pic, but keep forgetting. I'll leave myself a reminder for this afternoon.

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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016

I just picked this up yesterday at the library and am already over a third of the way through.
This woman suffered an injury when she was a child which snowballed into discovering that she had ewing sarcoma. They had to remove a third of her jaw.
The book is her experience through that, her emotions dealing with being disfigured and such. 14956455014511704517908.jpg

I keep looking at her picture on the back because I think she's so pretty.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
IMG_7828.JPG I'm rereading this book--it's a somnambulistic romp through the long forgotten past, apparently predating many of our Native American tribes and cultures. It's about some space travelers who became stranded here on earth countless generations ago, and how their legacy was carefully passed down for many generations through legend.

At the end, Dolores adds some findings from her own research that illustrates how the legends of many other tribes are quite similar and tend to validate the information in her QHHT sessions with this client.

An all around good read!


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I'm rereading this book-
That is one of the one's I read last after reading most of the rest of Cannon's books. I enjoyed learning about the culture and location they were in, including village life and so on. (Pacific North West I think?) I thought it filled in some missing pieces of our history in a way.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
That is one of the one's I read last after reading most of the rest of Cannon's books. I enjoyed learning about the culture and location they were in, including village life and so on. (Pacific North West I think?) I thought it filled in some missing pieces of our history in a way.
Yes, Dolores believed the location was somewhere in Canada, perhaps somewhere near Alaska.


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Jul 28, 2016

I've gotten into this one this week, and it's been incredibly insightful for me. As I've been working through some traumas, I've discovered I have c-PTSD.
I had a sizeable portion of it figured out, but seeing a lot of it spelled out gives me encouragement at how far I've come and the tools I've been using to thoroughly work through my whole self problems, as well as recognizing different memory connections to open up those wounds and help me heal from it all.

It's been doubly exciting as I finally got some rose quartz and onyx stones and a selenite tower that has changed the whole feel in my house, and I've felt such forward progress and lightness from this that had been haunting me for too long.

I've also realized that these have been filters and major blockages to my spiritual development. I couldn't see it all and why I was having such difficulty growing. I just knew something was wrong and was beginning to think it was inherently me.

Anyway. I wanted to share. :)


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I read several books simultaneously (always switching).
Problem is I've gone full Kindle and no more hardbacks, that's why I cannot shoot pics to post the cover (unless I post the Amazon covers of the Kindle versions...).


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I read several books simultaneously (always switching).
Problem is I've gone full Kindle and no more hardbacks, that's why I cannot shoot pics to post the cover (unless I post the Amazon covers of the Kindle versions...).
I'm not sure I'll ever really embrace the e-book as a replacement for a physical, paper book--but there's certainly no judgement against anyone who does. The important thing about any written word is the information and inspiration it brings!

Despite the logical argument that a paper book probably utilizes more natural resources than an e-document, there's something to be said about physically turning pages, seeing the effects of light and shadow on the page, and even the smell of some books (especially old, familiar ones with well-worn bindings). Being able to scribble handwritten notes on margins or underline passages (as my grandmother often did in her treasured books) is important to me, as I'll often re-read a book later and discover my mindset has changed a great deal since I last read it. I feel there's also a certain "energy" that remains from the last person who read the book--and indeed, even the author.

All these things and so many more have endeared me to the written page--and I doubt that will change, no matter what any new technologies may bring forward!


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I understand. I have boxes stored away in the cellar of my parents with old smelly dusty books some with yellow and not so yellow pages. From 2009 on all more spiritual books, before that a lot of science-fiction novels etc.

In recent years, I also had to read a lot of different things for my training in medicine as well as naturopathy, that included a lot of book-switching and 'cross-reading'. So it was just a practical consideration. Moreover since I wanted to be able to transport it on the train (as a commuter for work) with ease.

If you want or even need to switch for lookups, crossreferences etc. then you cannot take an entire library in your bag or rucksack because you still need other things to carry with you. So it was just practicality as the main reason.

Meanwhile I grew accustomed to it and wouldn't want to do without my little flat kindle, strangely I go to a university library sometimes after work and there I read (like most there) on my laptop as pdf or ebook (with Kindle for PC installed).

So paper books are really out for me. And I also am - shame on me - listening to music as mp3s only - with my old CD and vinyl collection stored away in the cellar of the house of my parents, too. Just like the books.

Sign'o'the'times. :rolleyes:


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I'm not sure I'll ever really embrace the e-book as a replacement for a physical, paper book--but there's certainly no judgement against anyone who does.
Same here and I can't even do audio books!

I've gotten into this one this week,
This looks great!

Sam Vause

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
I am currently in the midst of several books (no particular order). I like a lot of variety.
In the queue to start sometime soon:
  • A re-read of Anthony Williams's "Medical Medium" two most recent books (Kindle).
  • A full re-read of all Doris Cannon books (Kindle).
  • I may also re-read David Wilcox books (Kindle), but I'm not drawn so much to them again for some reason.
  • I also have several "Eat for your blood type" books (Kindle) - I'll get to them eventually.
  • Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War (Kindle)
And finally, in a more traditional format:
My "go-to" books are always on Kindle, generally Doris Cannon.

Sam Vause

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
...Meanwhile I grew accustomed to it and wouldn't want to do without my little flat kindle, strangely I go to a university library sometimes after work and there I read (like most there) on my laptop as pdf or ebook (with Kindle for PC installed).

So paper books are really out for me. And I also am - shame on me - listening to music as mp3s only - with my old CD and vinyl collection stored away in the cellar of the house of my parents, too. Just like the books.

Sign'o'the'times. :rolleyes:
Indeed, I'm completely resonant with this. My husband hasn't quite made the leap, thus we (well, he) actually has a 300 ft. sq. warehouse with about 18,000 items (mostly books) stored away. Me? I can't abide that much stuff having to be dragged around, so Kindle is my friend. Ditto for iTunes, too. :)


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I am reading this one again, I had forgotten how fascinating it is, while 'Starcrash' and 'Higher Self Now' wait in the wings, I too usually have several books on the go at once. I love books, the feel, the smell. Snuggling under the covers at night with hard slippery iPad just isn't the same as a lovely bendy book. :-D



Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
I can't abide that much stuff having to be dragged around, so Kindle is my friend. :)
I am a hoarder of reference books. So useful and worth having a hard copy of very useful information. I do not trust technology to not just bum out on us. Haha

We do have a bookcase that I'm 'okay' with taking around when we move, but most of the books we don't look at regularly. I'm not even sure why we have them outside of remembrance and nostalgia. When we buy a house, i want to eventually get the books that really meant something to me, that I'd like to flip through, and stock it with that. The number would be significantly more measured.

I got a nook as a gift but I really have a hard time with it. It isn't even just that it's distracting with how you turn pages or that you don't have to shift your you head to see the second page (which surprisingly annoys me,) it's most frustrating because I like to go back to look at certain descriptors, or how something was phrased. I have memory with where in the book something was, and it helps me to cross reference and keep track of things.

But I totally get it. I get how beneficial it could be for someone.

The library has been my best friend with books the past bunch of years.


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Jul 28, 2016
Just wanted to give an update that "The Body Keeps Score" is a phenomenal book and simply reading it is opening blocks from a crap ton of trauma I've had.

I've seen major progress in stalled areas that needed more healing, I've heard inner child voices that I haven't heard since I was that age, and the wealth of information he gives with the science of how our bodies process things, and why the tools he suggests works... Makes it all so feasible to get through. Granted, i have been actively working in myself for a while but I definitely wasn't getting past some things. For instance, simply admitting to myself that I'm recovering from PTSD (something I didn't fully realize i was doing) seemed to have jump started a lot.

I do highly recommend this book.


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
There are more bookshelves in my small apartment than any other piece of furniture, and I do go through and take some down to the book exchange to make room for new (hard copy) ones. When my sister died, I was distressed to hear that the second-hand shop owners in her district would not take her massive, broad-range book collection. My family that lived close to her (in another State) decided to tip the remaining books for worms to enjoy.

I sincerely hope that is not the outcome of my book collection when I die.

Recently, I heard my daughter complaining to her aunt over the phone that there were no suitable books for her age group here, "only spiritual books :("). As I was sitting in my armchair, I just moved my left arm down to my side and my hand landed on a great novel for teens called "Runemarks" by Joanne Harris. This book was one of quite a few that I bought for my daughter years in advance of her reaching her upper teens for just the purpose of her enjoying a good story. She is now ensconced in that (finally, one of the four books she has read since puberty).

I often peruse my bookshelves and experience synchronicity in finding a book at just the right time, and a joy in knowing that I have provided the resource intuitively at one moment to be found when needed at another time, this is living the Tao as time-stream flow. I have also consciously collected books that may be needed in paper format if and when technology over-exceeds itself and does a bunk (CME, directed energy outage or whatever). I envision my small home of book-lined walls being a needed resource in that time. For the same reason, I have printed out certain articles from the internet and kept them in Lever-Arch files.

Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
This book for the first time made me realise that when souls go or are in the 'afterlife' they are actually in the cosmos. Lou has written it from the perspective of a cosmic person and his experiences as he evolves. It's an easy read with some parts benefiting from rereading to really digest or contemplate his perceptions.

'What be these fragile bodies we live inside of? Transports of forgotten and lost souls eternally enslaved by restless spirits, dammed and tormented in an endless search of peace, happiness and joy. Each soul in a constant and hectic pursuit to reconnect with something grand that was lost a long time ago. We mortals, in our mindless travels through life, grasping at, reaching for and attempting, often in vain, to understand what purpose we were created for, and by whom. Senseless it seems the torturous journey to understand the imposing plan, if there even be such a plan.

Souls are released from the soul substance by Super beings and enter the physical world and begin an eternal journey that will take them through multitudes of existences stretching over millions of lifetimes of peace and tranquility, before entering the shadowy domains of the demon worlds,'


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Shoot...when did this come available--or did I just miss the announcement? I'm ordering one today! Thanks, OOT (and Maryann and the 9 too, of course)! :D
Yay! Here's the cover, since that's what this thread sort of suggests... and I kinda like it:

The waveform is interesting... it's what the word "open" looks like, as said by the tattoo artist who designed it. What else would our stellar guides and friends be beaming at us, but the encouragement to open?

Hope y'all like it! (Shameless plug: https://www.amazon.com/Pleiadian-Renegade-Thoughts-Magnitude-Logbooks/dp/1548676713/)


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
View attachment 2431 I'm rereading this book--it's a somnambulistic romp through the long forgotten past, apparently predating many of our Native American tribes and cultures. It's about some space travelers who became stranded here on earth countless generations ago, and how their legacy was carefully passed down for many generations through legend.

At the end, Dolores adds some findings from her own research that illustrates how the legends of many other tribes are quite similar and tend to validate the information in her QHHT sessions with this client.

An all around good read!
I have just finished reading Starcrash really enjoyed it. I was interested when Dolores was talking to Turin when he had returned to spirit, he said he saw several earths on different planes, each one very slightly different to the other, that as we go from one to the other and one level of energy to another there are subtle changes, changes that you might not notice too much up on the next level, but if you skipped the others and went straight to top level it would definitely be noticeable. It made me think that as we raise our conciousness we could possibly pop up to the next level and think things seem different but not quite understand what is happening. I wondered if we could be moving in small shifts rather than one big one. There has been some weird stuff happening, people disappearing and reappearing, the Mandela effect and so forth. This is just my thoughts rambling on as they have a habit of doing. So I thought I would share them with you, get us all going cause I doubt all will agree with me. This is on page 200 by the way.

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