Article Welcome To The Age Of Aquarius. It’s been a long time coming (1 Viewer)

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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
aquarius new-moon-age-of-aquarius-v2.png

You would expect a fanfare from the heavens at least or portents in the sky on this auspicious day.

Detractors will say the timing is wrong re the great cycles for the Golden Age, which is the same thing, but it is not and I have written of this over and over as being the first time there is an Aquarian New Moon happening since Pluto the last of the outer planets has moved fully into this sign to stay until 2024 which is the exact time frame of when the Feng Shui cycle that coincides with the great cycles that began last year ends as that also is about the same heralding in of a new great era.

Plus this matter of the solar system moving further into a part of the galaxy where it was apparently when he last Golden age happened.

I will consult with Yukteswars work again to reread what I read so long ago as he did the math as did another wise man who followed his work in these times now...

Although this is just “beginning” there will be a time ahead of our consciousness rising more although again some more scientific minds will argue that as impossible but we also KNOW scientifically that we operate on one tenth consciousness which is why hypnosis works, why we dream such amazing things, including about past lives.

The rest of our intellect is hidden within the other 9/10 of our psyche and can be accessed, as it is the part of us that “knows’ without consciously realizing it, so precognitive dreams, visions – inspiration or the basic lightbulb moment type comes from that source.

A psychic person or those who have dabbled in plant medicines with a real Shaman will know, or who have had spontaneous spiritual experiences, astral travelling or otherwise and found themselves "knowing" and experiencing other dimensional realities.

We have lived in a 3 dimensional world for a long time and that is changing on physical levels now as our senses will be, and are being enhanced. When we get to the stage of being able to read minds , although it won’t always be a given this will happen due to natural shields , then there will be no point in hiding things from anyone so the world will definitely be a better place.

The Chinese New year begins which I wrote about yesterday and today we talk about the actual Age of Aquarius and what it means.

This was called the Golden Age in ancient writings including the Bible. I prefer the Eastern versions of beliefs myself. I have mentioned a few times that Sai Baba's third and last incarnation is due to be born and may already be. This incarnation will be here to help mankinds consciousness rise, but this time he will be an ordinary man and marry rather than a celibate person.

If it wasn’t for other great beings on this planet such as Babbage mentioned in Paramahansa Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi, Babaji who roamed in the higher parts of India , and the Himalayas, in and out of the ether, transversing dimensions then Earth would have had a much harder time.

Other great beings of course have assisted the same but some have stayed around half in and half out of this world for hundreds of years.
On the matter of dark and light, I am reminded by my Shamanistic studies and have believed it for years that dark energies have to exist to balance the light. Those who choose dark energies have a plan too as the creator energy called God invented darkness too which is to teach us, help us live life and learn our lessons so this is why we cannot judge who is evil and who is good. We can observe it and work with it – avoid, it but we cannot judge any one soul as inferior to us as each has their path and their purpose...

This means we have the same within ourselves and we must come to know this, understand and accept anything we deem darkness, and if we have “right motive” we can forgive ourselves and focus on the light to create more of the same.
I awoke about 2 am thinking of this and opened my current book. I saw this “If you were the Great Spirit and you wanted to teach human beings about consciousness, what you would do?

Would you have everything made of light or would you find someone to agree to represent darkness for all these people?”

So the bad parts are part of the divine play and as one of my teachers said. “Maybe the dark forces agreed to be dark for the Great Spirit, so we have the opportunity to actually learn something."

What is true is that there is no need to get caught up in the dream. This life is the dream we have dreamt and are living. The painful horrible things do NOT have to put an end to the light.

As what happens in the great ages than span thousands of years and has happened life is very much a struggle for many people depending on the path we have chosen – our time here is limited, there is illness – hatred, fear, oppression. So all this reaches a peak as it has now and begins to slowly merge into a better world where there is peace and life is easier, people get along and cooperate together, live longer. The great pendulum of life swings ever so slowly one way then back.

Life will never while in the body be perfect but it can get a lot better than we are seeing now.
The main factor is love as if we love others and ourselves most of all we can do more good and not judge or harm others.

Look at the internet, look at the remarks below those posts of those who are trying to change the world or who even make innocent remarks, or news items about them. Look how the lower minds, probably those who have a hard life as well or are still in their smaller mind, who will criticize, negate- bring down , laugh and generally be totally mean .

This reminds us of the saying “casting pearls before swine”. I always liked that expression as on social media today it is very relevant as it always has been in society.

Fear and social conditioning stops people using their more philosophical higher mind.

Sometimes we need to take a stand of course and sometimes we need to shut out the dark energies as of some it is highly toxic and it can k i l l us.

After today I hope we can be stronger and more resilient too and spread more love than before to help bring this balance we need and also to help the ones who have taken charge of the world and YES I mean the world , the whole world as that’s necessary to change a whole system and get to the root of where the darkest energies came from that have thrown us all into this pit we have been in, where there is so much control, so many rules they have us in chains pretty much. Chains around our soul, unless you are very blessed already indeed. And we accept them. Even I do more often than I could or should.
Our souls are always liberated as it is but while in the body we are owned by someone or something and that is what the new people in charge are now trying to unravel, yet those who have needed help are turning against the helpers. Another human trait.

Today the New Moon falls at 9 51 Aquarius and it is of course the New Beginning for Aquarians for the year ahead to make their most important plans and decisions and follow through with them in the days ahead.

For everyone this is the New Moon to begin new projects whether group/teams, technology, scientific, environmental, math, community wise, or anything that will benefit the future of the planet. This sigh rules aviation, trains, public transport, mountains – space, AI, the things we love or hate! Sci Fi, ETS.

Our nervous systems, lower legs and ankles. My son sprained his ankle a day ago.

Wherever Aquarius falls in our natal or solar charts it is where we can make great quantum leaps in the times ahead. Mine is my money zone or solar chart it spiritually… AND behind the scenes.

This is the Sabian symbol “Popularity which proves to be fleeting”. So this immediately makes us think of those in the limelight now and how long they will be, as its very interesting to me that so many who were hoping a certain person would go about things a little differently. This actually means many are finding things a little less helpful than they had thought.

The important thing here is to learn that popular support(or not)does not equate to the true depth of character and self-worth. But it is important for anyone including the people you may be losing faith in for your own reasons , which are only a reflection of yourself and the things you don’t like in self anyway , to stay true to their beliefs as you must stay true to you .
This suggests to me that in the future we must be prepared to stand alone – popular or not. We do not need others to make us feel good and there are ups and downs in life always.

Mercury has joined Pluto in Aquarius yesterday which is extremely helpful for us all and it enhances what is happening today. There are 5 bodies now in Aquarius including Ceres.

Ceres will help people of the sign to remain objective in outlook and not let emotions swamp them while caring about the greater whole. There is a certain detachment with this which is not unhealthy as we can prepare ourselves for the strong empathic energies of Pisces coming in before too long.

There is a lot of deep thinking and analyzing going on however and with greater clarity than if this had been a water sign it happened in. This enables powers that be or us also to make rational and quick decisions much easier than usual.

People with a strong Uranus in their life patterns or the sign of Aquarius of course can use this to their great advantage to get on board with changes in systems-especially in areas of future studies as many will be choosing to work in I T or AI possible I’m thinking.
We need the very very best people for that with a great spiritual radar.
Sun/Vesta in Square keeps us on our toes with strong boundaries.

Ceres brings out our best nurturing skills to help those who are needing understanding and comfort at this time.
In two days the other factor linking planets to the New Age brings emphasis to the same through Uranus the ruling planet of Aquarius at station about to move forward in motion.

This is a time when Uranus begins to prepare to move to Gemini and there will be signs of this as we move ahead until July. That’s when the most astounding of the new technology will appear and great changes in media in general, education too.

But in the meantime for individuals if you have had strong transits to your Sun, Moon or personal planets, or angles by Uranus then this is one of the most powerful turning points for you of the year., Taureans or Aquarians especially.

Aquarian ascending signs, Sun and Midheaven should really take a quantum leap into the future in the days ahead.

The degree of station is 23 Taurus so if anyone has had a lot of anxiety , unusual events- separations, alienation from loved ones, adrenal drain, things will improve after this time and many of you will be inspired to show more of your talents and individual , unique abilities more than you ever have before.

On that day Jupiter in Gemini at 11 degrees will trine the Sun in Aquarius which is a beneficial aspect for us all, for motivation and positivity, even luck. Whoever you are with or whatever you are doing will have have influence on your future.
Of course good for Leos, Geminis. Aquarians too and Sagittarians.

By then the Moon will be in Pisces so I am hoping for breakthroughs too in the coming days as I am between moves and my own future is the unknown. I will be looking to spirit/higher self, nature signs to point me where I need to head next.

And era ending in all our lives in fact. A brand new one beginning.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I am looking forward to this, especially after reading your summary of events. Thank you.

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