Today Venus in Gemini opposes the Great Attractor in Sagittarius. The GA is out in the general direction of Centaurus, the energy again coming to us through the sign of Sagittarius.
It is a massive galactic anomaly that no one completely understands as yet, but there is no doubt about its huge influence. It is not a black hole which engulfs matter never to be seen again, but rather a huge red shift which shows it is retreating from us at enormous velocity. It exudes an extreme ultraviolet energy coming from the other end of the light spectrum, giving it an appearance of approaching rather than retreating.
It sparks our human curiosity no end and when activated by planets in our own solar system there is a danger of becoming fixating on a particular charismatic person or belief system. Like a huge cosmic billboard the G.A. does not discriminate and broadcasts loud and wide, including information from seemingly other spectrums of time/space. It is up to us to exercise our freewill in deciding what to believe and follow up on.
This aspect of Venus to the GA is exactly that and involves some deep feelings, warning us to be mindful of information coming to us today, and not to get too carried away with what we accept as “gospel”.
We should take care of what we broadcast to others especially if we have some sway over what people think or believe.
On the other hand we can use this energy to impart our wisdom with a lot of passion and drive, as if we are ever going to be taken notice of its today.
This is for making the most of our influence and personalities to speak out loudly.
To help with the above, the Disseminating moon phase starts today which is a time to impart out awareness to those who are receptive.
This is definitely a time to share important information with others.
I would expect Gemini, Taurean and Libran type people to notice this energy the most, also Sagittarians, but the GA will reach us all one way or another with this strong aspect.
Today also Juno moves into Leo for a month or so where she will be at her most exuberant best in her efforts to impress her strong personality onto others, and search out weak areas in relationships, as her job is to make sure there is no oppression or misuse of power, and if there is she will stir the pot until something is done about it.
She loves digging out family secrets and forcing us to front up to our own weaknesses even if it is embarrassing or painful to do so. Juno is of the nature of Libra and Scorpio so although she cares, and has certain skills in getting people on the same page, she can be quite intense and invasive to say the least as she knows how to dig deep when necessary to bring out what is hidden.
(Leos take note)
Tomorrow is the winter solstice on my side of the world, the shortest day here, as we move from the dark back into the light of spring and the new growth to come.
Those on the other side of the world will be celebrating their Summer solstice and be at the tipping point when the days start to become shorter and nights longer.
The Sun moves into Cancer to shine light on the people born in that sign for the month ahead. So the spotlight will be on you Cancerians in the time ahead, especially with your total Solar eclipse on the 2nd/3rd, which is your new beginning of the year, and it will be with a twist for most of you as Solar eclipses are rare and ALWAYS bring the unexpected.
We are technically in that energy now so for those born at the start of the July you will feel it a lot and anyone with planets or points near 10 degrees 37.
By their very nature we cannot predict what eclipses will bring for each person, but you can get clues from other aspects that are happening from the outer planets, also Mars especially.
The eclipse will draw those aspects into its energy.
And of course Capricorns will also feel this as they get their own eclipse two weeks later on 24 degrees,
Tomorrow also, Neptune will station before going retrograde.
This is a point of reassessment for your spiritual path so you can tune into your higher self, listen to your intuition, make adjustments if necessary, before you carry on either down the same path or a different one.
This will all depend on current Neptunian transits and also the part of your life that Neptune rules. For myself it is my home zone and sunsign so this is very personal.
Neptune rules the spiritual and creative areas of our lives and helps us find balance in the world of materialism that we live in, so when he is strong its good to make the most of the opportunity to look at life through different eyes for a while and make sure we are living our lives in ways that align with a higher purpose on this planet that we chose before we were born.
(Pisces of course will be feeling this change and Virgos too as it is their opposite sign ruler)
Tomorrow Venus in Gemini will be novile to Uranus in Taurus, which will help provide the insight and intelligence to make the right choices.
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