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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
There is a lot of emotion surrounding this topic of Q, as well as missing facts. Before they write I'd urge people to realize what affect their high emotions may have on their writing, and how many facts they know are actually accurate. Then, set aside the emotions and write something that is not so charged.

- Do you know what you know? How do you know that? How did you double or triple check the facts? Are the sources reliable and accurate?
- Do you know what you don't know? How so? What don't you know? What may be missing?
- Now, what do you not know that you don't know?


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
The Astrology of Q

NEPTUNE ASCENDING Q’s astrology chart is based on the date and time of the first post (October 28, 2017 at 3:44 pm Eastern daylight time at the default location of New York City). In astrology, all things start with the Ascendant. This is the place in a chart that gives the most specific information about the personality and sense of self. The Ascendant pinpoints the “overall nature” of someone. In the case of Q, we see an Ascendant at 11° Pisces 41’ (12 Pisces). Pisces is the sign associated with Spirit and the Divine. But a rare configuration accompanies Q’s Ascendant: Neptune sits directly on top of it. In astrology, this is called “Neptune Ascending.” Neptune Ascending is a defining factor in the identity of Q. Neptune Ascending in Pisces makes Q very “Neptunian.” Neptune rules Pisces; it is its “home sign.” Neptune represents creativity and spirituality. The combination of the Ascendant in exact conjunction with Neptune, both in Pisces, tells us that the “self” of the entity is exceptionally spiritual in nature.

Neptune Ascending in Pisces brings that which is undefinable and unperceivable, all shrouded in mystery. Q is illusory by nature, but also powerfully creative and, it would seem by the chart, divinely inspired.

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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
but also powerfully creative and, it would seem by the chart, divinely inspired.
Very good analysis there. I would like to add too that Neptune has to do as well with lies and deception, so we have to be very careful when analyzing a chart with a prominent Neptune or Pisces in the Ascendant because the pendulum can swing both ways, between the positive side and the not so positive influences of both the planet and the sign; thus they can even indicate a person that is highly spiritual or a liar and deceiver -good aspects for a spy for example. Having had a father born under that sign I have seen both sides working simultaneously in his life, and furthermore, Pisces is my Ascendant as well (thus somebody telling me once at work that I was very good at creating and functioning within smoke and mirrors when I wanted to do so, but fortunately that I would do it only for good causes).


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I would like to add too that Neptune has to do as well with lies and deception, so we have to be very careful when analyzing a chart with a prominent Neptune or Pisces in the Ascendant because the pendulum can swing both ways, between the positive side and the not so positive influences of both the planet and the sign; thus they can even indicate a person that is highly spiritual or a liar and deceiver

Very good point Carl. I know someone with a Pisces ascendant and they can be deceptive, although only rarely. Pisceans love secrecy and intrigue I feel.

The number 7 is ruled by Neptune as is Pisces......

Represents: Spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy, and mystery.

7 is the number of illusion and delusion, sometimes deception - by also

the number of healing and miracles, faith - and dreams that come true.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
But Carl, I literally take everything you say at face value. Your smoke and mirrors are very shiny, for me.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016

They said that Bush's coffin was placed exactly. Don't you love this!unnamed.jpg
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
View attachment 5958

They said that Bush's coffin was placed exactly. Don't you love this!View attachment 5958
That's probably the angle the spirit of Bush will see himself laid out. But I think their look can penetrate dense objects, like fabric and wood. He can probably see his own form lying there too. I don't give a rats arse about either Q or Bush. Let them both obliterate and fade quickly.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
They all do.....look at the Queen of England her husband, both in their 90's. None of them ever get cancer!

Look at Henry Kissinger, Soros. David Rosthchild had his own personal operating theatre and received about 6 heart transplants.THEY ARE AFRAID TO DIE!

On 28 April 2015, the World News Daily Report web site published an reporting that billionaire David Rockefeller had just undergone his sixth heart transplant at the advanced age of 99:

Billionaire philanthropist David Rockefeller has successfully undergone his sixth heart transplant in 38 years at the venerable age of 99 years old.
The heart transplant surgery, which lasted 6 hours and was done by a team of private surgeons at his principal residence, on the family estate in Pocantico Hills, New York, doesn’t seem to have tired the legendary business man known for his dynamism and cunningness.​

Queen of England 92
Her husband is 97
Soros is 88
Henry Kissinger 95

Why do the elite live so long
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Their fortunes allows them the best and more advanced medical care and support. Read rumors (perhaps some of you too) that longevity in the elite is due to several things, you take your pick; black magic, shape shifting/lizard blood, even cloning, etc., between the theories running around.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Lisa Renee in her latest Energetic Synthesis Newsletter published this:
Banishing the Lies of Belial
We have recently had a momentous event on the earth, in that the embodiment principle of one the major chieftains of the Adam Belial gestalt has left his body, and is currently unable to transfer his consciousness into another earthly form as had been planned. It was this man that was used to be the physical embodiment of the Spiritual Chieftain of the Belial Group, The King of Corruption and Lies that has recently been banished from this world.
In this moment, we acknowledge the role of Belial and state that no longer shall he pass the gate, he is not welcome on earth or welcome to our sight, we evict this liar and deceiver from its influence in our lives, in our minds, in our bodies, and in our beliefs.

I'd say that was George Herbert Walker Bush, wouldn't you?


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
good possible while he said perhaps one truth in the whole life than and that that humans are not ready for the truth the moment he said it, now on the other side the circle flipped massively and it is no longer true as said here more than once we are the event
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
that humans are not ready for the truth the moment he said it
Long ago In an interview, he said the people would string them up on lampposts if the people ever knew all they had done. And...... crickets - no one gave it a second thought.


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
The truth needs to come out no matter what happens to my investments, or others' investments.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Hilarious said the same thing if Trump got elected. Still waiting...

Long ago In an interview, he said the people would string them up on lampposts if the people ever knew all they had done. And...... crickets - no one gave it a second thought.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Lisa Renee in her latest Energetic Synthesis Newsletter published this:
Banishing the Lies of Belial
We have recently had a momentous event on the earth, in that the embodiment principle of one the major chieftains of the Adam Belial gestalt has left his body, and is currently unable to transfer his consciousness into another earthly form as had been planned. It was this man that was used to be the physical embodiment of the Spiritual Chieftain of the Belial Group, The King of Corruption and Lies that has recently been banished from this world.
In this moment, we acknowledge the role of Belial and state that no longer shall he pass the gate, he is not welcome on earth or welcome to our sight, we evict this liar and deceiver from its influence in our lives, in our minds, in our bodies, and in our beliefs.

I'd say that was George Herbert Walker Bush, wouldn't you?
I would certainly say that it's possible that he embodied this energy...but much like "Christ Consciousness", I feel that MANY may carry bits and pieces of the energy. I do feel we're rapidly getting to the point that this energy is no longer welcome here...and am grateful to hear from others that this is truly the case (I also somehow sense that this is true)!

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