Help True Meditation & The Most Efficient Methods (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
The word meditation can be applied broadly, but I think it’s important to narrow its focus for reasons of education and to be most effective with teaching you what true meditation is all about. So I am not going to cover everything here that can relate to ‘meditation’, but I will cover what I intuitively feel as the key components of true meditation, as I like to get straight to the point.

The number one purpose of meditation is to get your mind to a stage where you are not thinking at all, about anything, for as long as possible and therefore you begin to establish a clearer connection to your truer self, which has many labels, but which I will refer to as your different levels of consciousness.


From learning to shift away from the thought process, we are also developing the ability to move away from this reality, or plane, and access others.

So when I say that, I don’t mean that you should just be there and not do anything at all except stay out of your mind, as that is not how it works, you need to focus on something to get to that stage of not actually thinking where you push away all thoughts.

While the thoughts that come to you can actually help you with your own issues, if you take notice of them as they can indicate patterns and situations you need to work on, very similar to how your dreams function, that is not the goal with true meditation, but more of a technique to do alongside, or separately, to true meditation.

Because each of us are unique, we may resonate with different methods of meditation. People may just prefer alternative ways from having a preference to what works best for them, which could be based around their senses such as hearing, touching, and seeing.

What I have personally found most effective is using a mantra, or in other words producing a few different sounds out loud, or internally (silently in your mind), that has no meaning. It’s important that the mantra doesn’t actually mean anything to you, as if it does, then you are not just tempted to focus on the meaning and therefore find yourself ‘thinking’, but you can empower and create thought forms based on the meaning of what you are producing.

One of the main mantras I have used for not just meditation, but for training my energy for conscious astral projection, is Fa Ra On. I pronounce that in three long breaths, so take a deep breath and then say faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, while breathing out, then take a deep breath and say Raaaaaaaaaaaaa, and so on. This not only centers your mind on the one thing, and away from your thoughts and this reality, but it also stimulates your energy centers (chakras) that can help with conscious astral projection if you happen to be practicing that, but also further expand and assist with the development of psychic faculties and self healing.

You can even create your own sounds to use them for this purpose, as you may not find anything that you feel comfortable using.

Another powerful, effective and efficient method is using your breathe to focus on. So you take a long deep breath in, and then a slow breath out, and you repeat this.

So for these two examples you would want to do this at least twice a day, for around 20 minutes, and expand on that time if you can, over the months ahead. How long should you aim for? Well, that would depend on how much time you have each day and what feels comfortable. You could end up doing 45 minutes or an hour, but you may just find that 20 minutes to 30 minutes is fine for you, twice a day, and to keep this up every day.

As you can see, with these two options above, you are focusing on one thing, and keeping out of your mind where thoughts take place. Whatever you use to meditate, this concept is really important as this is ‘true meditation’.

Being in the Now

Daily meditation can help you gain the ability to be more in the now, but there are also methods to use outside of your mediation sessions that keep you in the moment as you go about your day to day lives. It’s really effective to practice being in the now most of your time, so I don’t mean for a few minutes each day outside of meditation, but all the time when you do not have to make decisions or communicate with others, for example.

A very effective way of being in the now is by using your five senses. So you may be in the shower, you may be doing the dishes, or you might even be making the bed; I you focus on what you hear, see, touch, smell and possibly taste at the time, you can use the senses to take you away from your mind and thoughts. This is really an advanced technique that does get a lot easier, and I mean a lot, based on how often you do this, in addition to the daily meditations.

Binaural Beats & Hemi-synch

It’s really important to gain the ability to meditate without using a crutch or external tool, but when saying that, binaural beats and hemi-synch can be helpful to get you to a higher level, but also for boosting your progress with certain psychic based faculties.

For projecting out of body and exploring other planes and frequencies consciously and for using abilities like remote viewing, binaural beats can be very effective, but I would advise that you use them in addition to meditation. Don’t stop meditation, specifically what I mentioned in the first section of this article above, but use these as an additional method to help you achieve what you are looking to do. You could meditate for 20 minutes a day, and then spend another part of your day with binaural beats, for example.

Binaural beats & hemi-synch are like a short cut to train your consciousness and mind to reach something that you need to learn to do on your own, without their help, but they can be very effective, especially when used early on with your meditation based training and general spiritual development.

Hemi-synch is similar to binaural beats, in terms of the purpose, and was originally developed at the Monroe Institute. They do cost and are part of a few courses/workshops on offer, which some are available online for download, as part of the Monroe Institute. Tom Campbell and Robert Monroe did work together to produce these originally, and from what I understand, their main goal was for the purpose of astral projection, or in other words, out of body experiences. They are very advanced sounds to guide and train the mind and a lot of research and development went into them to make sure they were as effective as possible. I recommend the courses and workshops at the Monroe Institute as they are really of the highest quality in terms of education and personal development when wanting to explore consciousness.

There’s free software that you can create your own binaural beats with, in addition to existing beats. Tom Campbell has a 30 minute YouTube video talking about binaural beats, based on a workshop he did in Atlanta, US, in 2016, here. In reference to the beats he has created, you can find them on his site here.

Not everyone will resonate with binaural beats. For example I find that my left ear starts to have pain after a while of using binaural beats or hemi-synch, so I have to have the volume turned down lower than normal, and even then, some sounds still bring me pain. Some people may be sensitive to electronics around their head, such as with using headphones. There are noise cancelling headphones that assist with the process of using these sounds, but again, that noise cancelling is being produced by technology that you may not be comfortable with.

Tom Campbell has a good article about binaural beats, which I have shared here. Tom also suggests certain Hz (sound) levels based on your experience with meditation, in terms of what sounds are most effective. Here is something he said about that: “Once you are in the 4 Hz theta state that is your goal, stay there for a half hour to two hours -- that's enough. You are in this physical reality for a reason. Do not use this as an escape. It is a tool, as is meditation itself, for teaching you to eliminate the noise in your mind thus allowing you to more powerfully, clearly and steadily focus your conscious intent. You want to learn the process of coming and going to and from this 4 Hz state so that eventually you can do it on your own. Sometimes try it on your own without the binaural beats.

I think that Tom explains this point about getting there on your own very efficiently and accurately, and again I want to remind the reader of this: “Binaural beats are like training wheels on a five year olds bicycle — eventually you must wean yourself from the training wheels and take them off or they will retard your development by locking you into specific altered states when you should be free to shift states as easily as you shift your attention. Eventually, you will even let go of formal meditation because you no longer will have a need for the process. You will be able to accomplish the same thing (actually better, being unencumbered) instantaneously. Do not become habituated or addicted to this tool or any tool -- or the tool that was once so helpful may turn into a self-limiting crutch.”

Guided Meditation

I find that guided meditations are something that are helpful for a person to start off with, to get used to stepping away from everyday activities of life. They can also be a useful method for self healing, as there are many meditations that are based around working on your personal issues for self development.

There are guided meditations that take you to a place where you can communicate with your guides, higher self, loved ones who have passed on, view past lives, and so much more, but for me this is not true ‘meditation’ as you are not actually training your mind and consciousness as efficiently and effectively as you can by meditating alone and using a method similar to what I originally discussed above. Also, a person may just find that without having true meditation experience, guided meditations may not work so well.

If you have become experienced with regular, daily, meditation, you may find guided meditations become more helpful if you feel you need to focus on something specific, such as forgiveness of those in your life who you may still have energetic, emotional and karmic ties with, or journeying to information that you might feel you need to help you at that moment — two examples of many.

But what you will find is that over time, through years of experience with regular meditation, the self healing benefits will naturally manifest. There are many ways to heal, such as through inner child and shadow self (group workshops are great for this), energetic healing (regular healing sessions), past life regression, counseling (preferably spiritual/intuitive), equine therapy (a powerful method with horses), kinesiology, energy work (powerful self energy healing) and so on; you will find that meditation can not only make all these methods more effective, but lead you to a future where you can step away from ‘healing’; You will have the ability to shift into a new space where the issues of the past no longer impact you, especially if you have developed the ability to stop reacting and acting out of ego (referring to certain emotional elements that feed on every day moments).

Tom Campbell

I have personally learnt and performed many different methods of meditation. I have come across many teachers and sources, in connection to meditation. From what I intuit as the most reliable and accurate information I have run into, on how to meditate, and what meditation is, was included by Tom Campbell in his three book trilogy, My Big TOE (Theory of Everything).

In book 1, chapter 23, Tom has a section of around 10-15 pages talking about meditation and is really a must read for those who want to find quick and accurate answers, or the ‘best’ way to approach meditation. You can access this for free on Google Books or just purchase his book through other methods like Amazon. Tom is a highly advanced soul here on earth as a result of basically mastering out of body exploration, as this lead him to knowledge that helped him develop spiritually in day to day life, and is why is so effective as a metaphysical teacher.

Revisiting Benefits of Meditation

What is the point of training the mind with meditation? Sometimes experiences are much more important and appropriate than words used to convince, or explain, something to a person.

As a human being down here on this planet, there are many systems that control and run our way of life, multi-dimensionally speaking. Meditation is simply a label to explain ways of working with one of those more important systems in terms of spiritual development and accessing other existences (controlled by systems) to what we perceive.

But there are so many benefits from training the mind in this way. Mediation is not just about spirituality, health, and exploring your own consciousness and levels of existence, but it’s also about improving your experience while living down here; it makes life a lot easier as you come to understand more and more of these systems that are really the foundation of the planes and frequencies we can be focused in and have access to.

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