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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Virgo Planet tree by Laron G Smith.jpg

The Sun has moved into Virgo two days ago to shine light on all Virgo peoples for the month ahead. Its their turn to shine and find the best of their Virgo selves.

It was an intense ingress as on the day the Sun was quincunx to Pluto and Venus squaring Mars, Neptune quincunx Vesta which was all very Virgoan and rather complex in energies so their month began with a lot of in depth energies , a lot of pondering and analysing, dreaming too it seems as Neptune added his more intuitive slant to things.

There is a bit of a warning there to strengthen boundaries for times ahead and look deeper than the surface to get the full picture.

The Venus /Mars square from Virgo to Gemini WAS fairly potent for Virgos with hints for some of looking for romance I'd say or chasing their passions, as it looks like they mean business and can walk the walk and talk the talk with that strong aspect to kick off the Virgo season. Looks like they know what they want and now to make sure they find it.

The Virgo New Moon will be on the 2nd /3rd Sept depending which country you are in, the 3rd on my side of the world.
This is their new beginning dat for the year ahead.

The first week of Sept has some highly karmic aspects for Virgos . Mars will move into Cancer which should be helpful for security and home/family matters.

The highlight of this Virgo month of Sept is going to be the Pisces partial lunar eclipse on the 18th Sept . a very interesting Perigee Full Moon at 25 degrees that will bring a changing dynamic for the planet and we on it , as well as for Pisces and Virgos.

Mercury will be opposing Saturn on the day so many Virgos may have quite a decision to make around that time. The good old Perigee Moon will make it more of a Supermoon than the last one.

With the eclipse energy much will be take out of Virgo and Pisces hands no doubt if it comes to decisions. Normally Full Moons are not the best for serious decisions anyway as minds can change so much due to the emotional input of the Moon.

As I am writing this Vesta is moving into Virgo also and Pluto forming a quincunx to the same adding to the need to strengthen personal boundaries in the times ahead and adding to our self awareness and inner knowing, as Vesta is all about our core of divinity that resides within.

Jupiter is in a helpful quintile to Vesta helping to empower us on all levels add enhance our talents and mental abilities.

Tomorrow Ceres goes direct in Capricorn 7 degrees, very helpful in a global sense as more awareness comes onto economic systems around the globe that need a boost in areas of housing and food supplies, the planting of more trees as well, taking into consideration Sun in this Earthy sign of Virgo, all about the healing of our Earth and we on it.

Mercury the ruler of this sign is still backwards causing many complaints of the effects but in fact many of the effects often blamed on this planet are misguided as Mercury goes backwards to help us get back on track and find new ways to do so, helps us take time out to rethink our options and strategies but taking our time about it .

Mercury is about US and our thinking, attitudes formed through old imprints and when direct although we can get things done we tend to gather speed and not take enough down time, so Mercury Rx should bring a time of relief and letting go a little more even if things are delayed , paper work and people etc.

Mercury is a neutral planet , NOT a malific. Nor does s/he want to be.

During this Rx there HAVE been a lot of heavy influences including the Perigee Full Moon.

Moon mischief is very real but whatever is happening in the heavens its still a focus on US and our foibles rather than the Moon or Mercury.

They are not the real cause of anything, WE are, we and our own plan!

After the 28th Aug when Rx ends the Mercury lovers and haters will find information DOES indeed turn up and lost items maybe, but I have found more lost items during Rx than any other time.

The effect is different for everyone but if we all feared Mercury Rx it would be sad as this happens so very often.

Best to use the energy to rethink and look at self if Mercury is one or our ruling planets.

In the meantime Virgos, ENJOY this time in the Sun, make the most of it even if Saturn is still opposing your sign.

Saturn is actually at the root of your present challenges , tests and trials.
But hes also taught you patience and resilience , brought out your best traits , strengthened your weaknesses which he will continue to do until May of next year, then he moves to Aries.

When he goes direct mid Nov , much of the weight will lift from your shoulders and you will reap the rewards of your efforts, less red tape too.

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