The inner and outer balance between aspects in our current time of global transition...Part 1 (1 Viewer)

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KarlaSM submitted a new article.

The Inner And Outer Balance Between Aspects In Our Current Time Of Global Transition...Part 1
Sometimes it is hard to see or to even imagine how globally the human collective will reach a peaceful balance in which everyone can live harmoniously with their needs perfectly met. Theoretically, at soul level, everyone has their needs already met in their own individual scheme of desired experiences and explored lessons to approach the eternal knowing of love.

More than a year ago I was shown in a vision something that I felt could be reached on the long term at a global scale, with a dose of doubt as to what I was shown. I rather not soak my mind in the sea of possibilities that provide the necessary fuel in the creation of specific predictions. However, I think this vision is worth mentioning for several reasons.

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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Nice article Karla! Perhaps you could explore too something else when you ask the question: “What prevents us as a collective society to reach such balance in which Oneness is not in conflict with individual expression?”

I would bring up something that is ingrained in the psyche of the human being: fear. It can mask itself in different forms, like fear of scarcity, fear of being not valued, fear of being taken advantage of, fear of not being respected, fear of being destroyed, etc. Bottom line: fear. The curious thing though is that while we have killed, destroyed, etc., due to that feeling, I would contend too that it is due to fear that we are still alive as species in the planet. The key in my humble opinion is to first address our fears openly and control them in order to reach the inner and outer balance between aspects.


Thank you dear Carl, that is basically what Part 2 will be about, taking it to the individual process of understanding and healing fear, and examples of aspects in our soul consciousness. :)
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Nice article Karla! Perhaps you could explore too something else when you ask the question: “What prevents us as a collective society to reach such balance in which Oneness is not in conflict with individual expression?”

I would bring up something that is ingrained in the psyche of the human being: fear. It can mask itself in different forms, like fear of scarcity, fear of being not valued, fear of being taken advantage of, fear of not being respected, fear of being destroyed, etc. Bottom line: fear. The curious thing though is that while we have killed, destroyed, etc., due to that feeling, I would contend too that it is due to fear that we are still alive as species in the planet. The key in my humble opinion is to first address our fears openly and control them in order to reach the inner and outer balance between aspects.
Carl! Karla! Your names have a similar vibration!

Dear Carl, I have spent the past two plus years learning to drop fear of scarcity, even though I was made redundant in December 2014 and all my job applications have gone for naught. I have, however, received absolutely everything (and more) that I could have wanted, and I have been buoyed up by the Universe in this incredible experience, having massages when needed, lovely food, enough money to see my daughter grows up right, etc. So the outcome is, when looking at it truthfully, I really have no reason to hold fear. I have been shown too many times that there is no need. In fact, fear is shed. You cannot ever control fear. That would be like cutting a tree to a bonsai shape. It will always fight back, and grow back stronger in its original shape (this would be how to inculcate fear, making sure fear has strong roots). Just dropping the fear is the point, and you can only really do this when you know that not only are you loved, but existence loves you! It loves you so very much, in the sense that you are one and part of it.


Beautiful Hailstones Melt. Very true. It seems each person has a way to find a road to dissipate the illusion of fear. I think about a recent experience related to my fear of floods, naturally after almost losing my home to a flood last year. Shortly after the flood, the weather improved, but there were some rainy nights when I felt my heart pounding so badly, I felt the waves of fear, something very horrible after loving rain all my life. What was interesting was that those days I was working with the knowledge of the four elements. One rainy night my soul sister and my partner both in spirit form told me to learn to control my thoughts and my emotions and to allow myself to feel in tune with the elements. While doing this, all of a sudden a strong wind blew the storm away. For weeks the weather was so benevolent in my area as if there was a protective bubble compared to the rest of the state which was covered in snow and other northern states as well.

Recently, there were unexpected storms and hail, I was terrified because it is absolutely not normal to experience bad weather during this time of the year. I was so terrified that I was even planning to move temporarily with my mom to another place although it is hard to find a good place for a low rent. Again, I was told the same thing, move past your fear and stabilize yourself. Another strong wind blew away the storm and what was expected as bad weather for the next days, turned into sunny beautiful days.

Maybe this all sounds far-fetched, but these things really did happen, and now I feel much more peaceful, knowing that this summer, somehow, things will be ok and the floods do not have to repeat again, and if it rains again that badly like last year to the point of having the risk of dams flooding part of the city and nearby towns, somehow we will be safe, but I have this feeling that these incidents do not have to be repeated.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Not at all. Silent fear is the stealthy kind. All fear is personal. Fear is a second skin, something you live within. It might have been around so long living with it has become comfortable. It is in fact a construct, part of the illusion. Courage only comes on the realisation that you cannot die. That realisation is personal to the individual - how strong the knowing is that you cannot die - based on how they came to that realisation. A smaller fear than fear of death is fear of loss, and the perceived saturation of pain from loss is the main reason people keep fear close to them. People keep the coin of loss/gain on their person, but out of sight, because they do not want to remember that everything in this world has its opposite. But even so, they finger the coin, to feel the shape of their fear.

Anxiety-related disorders are morphing our society into a secret world of fear peaks. The spiritual revolution of becoming courageous would be really good right about now.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
So, the fears are still there
Yes, Slayer, the fears most of the times won't leave just lay dormant, but some of them are healthy or become healthy once they are addressed and confronted openly as I mentioned above. Look at Karla, she confronted and fought to gain control, but the fear will be there always, lurking and could be triggered back, but now she knows how to control it and transmute it to a healthy side. How is that? Well, first, she is aware of it. Second, she knows now how to control it. Third, she can now always take precautions (in this plane or through actions in other dimensions) so she can't be affected again once she becomes aware of a potential impact in her area due to bad weather.


Omg so true, in general people are still being taught to disguise their fears, and to add as much distraction to their lives as they can, hence the crisis we face. I find it interesting this fear you mention of death which seems to be a very primitive or ancient one @Hailstones. Perhaps it is the fear of being annihilated or disappearing forever.

I agree that some fears are always latent and can be triggered because they come from lifetimes. I remember while trying to heal this fear of floods that during a soul retrieval session I got to see a lifetime in which a river burst its banks and I died. In fact one of my worst fears is to drown and it seems to come from several lifetimes so it is one of those fears that do not heal so easily, it requires time and several healing sessions.

As Carl says, we can learn to control or navigate through our fears, to observe them and allow them to flow and come out of our system and heal them over time. It does help sometimes to practice some meditation exercises to heal them. I'll explain a way to deal with fears and heal them in the next part of this article.

Thank you for your insights my friends. :)


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Take what you will of the following blog (less than 50%) of Jenny Schlitz - her topic was very synchronous with ours.

"Now more than ever we are being asked to not only let go but to really see the impact these ‘false selves’ have had on our lives. Where these selves held fear, lack, and at the same time how they provided the perfect canvas for us to experience exactly what we needed to for our growth. We are being shown our dysfunction and how deep it goes for none of this can stand in the higher light. It is the resistance to this letting go that creates such suffering in our lives.

I knew I had tapped into a new layer of self that needed to go. I had been working with it for a few days, feeling it out, understanding its voice and role. A few days ago I was headed to the hot springs as I needed the healing soak. I began again, tapping into this layer, really feeling the resistance that was there and found underneath was fear. This layer was afraid to go and was really wreaking havoc on my emotional body. I was anxious, cranky, feeling insecure… just yuck. The rhythm of the road and the radio blaring provided the perfect escape for me to explore and really hear and feel what was being expressed. I was grateful for the sharp mountain roads requiring my husband’s attention because if he had looked over and seen tears running down my face, I would have had to confess the existential crisis I was having. I then began a sincere, active dialog within myself.

Me: I need you to go, this needing to play small, and making myself small for another’s comfort, the fear of putting myself out there…. it doesn’t serve me any longer

Layer: What if when I leave you die too? You have children and a husband.

Me: Then it was meant to be. Their highest good would be served too. I trust that.

Layer: What if you change so much that your husband won’t want to be with you?

Me: This gave me pause and then I heard my higher self say – he has stood by you through every change and has loved seeing you, the you he always knew come out of the shadows.

Layer: I’m afraid

Me: I know, but you will be fine. Thank you for all you taught me. I am stepping forward now.

With that, I literally felt something leave my body. It was a huge shift and a release like nothing I have ever experienced. Then I felt peace, beautiful blessed, peace. The next time I caught my husband’s eye, I flashed him a smile. I was going to be alright, we were going to be alright and I felt such joy and excitement for what new is showing up in my life now that I released the old.

While that conversation was so clear, I began to remember more subtle ones I have had through the years. What if I lost everyone on this journey? What if they thought I was crazy? What if I am crazy? I remember the fears stripping away layer by layer. Some layers had stayed around causing me suffering for months before I was finally able to TRUST and let go. The releasing is faster now because my trust is greater and instead of fighting the release I express gratitude for its role and consciously step into the new. Being clear on my inner dialog, which we all have, has really helped. Slow down your thoughts, really hear them and don’t hesitate to speak your truth to those thoughts. I have found that there is a misguided belief within spirituality that to speak your fears, to name them gives them power or manifests them. I call BULL! I find that naming my fears helps me to really see them and show them compassion. Isn’t that what all of us want when we are scared? Compassion and understanding. Parts of us feel like they are dying and that the world around us will crumble as we embody more and more of who we truly are. The only way that this can be done gracefully is with conscious intent and deep love...."


Hmmm thank you for sharing this Hailstones Melt however, this material does not resonate with me at all. I guess this is why you mention the >50%? Unless this person was in reality letting go an aspect of someone else, I would never do this to any of my parts. On the contrary, I do the exact opposite of what this person describes. I embrace all my darkest aspects, my most wounded ones, the ones I know nobody else would accept or try to understand except myself.

I do inner dialogue with my aspects, and swim deep into the darkness, where people often reject themselves. What I find is that no matter how dark the energies of my aspects can feel, or how much apparently they work "against" me, I listen to them, and hold their hand, and they feel better. Then they come back to my heart, little by little each day. I learn something new from them each day and they change, they let me know why they feed my mind with negative thoughts and experiences and negative emotions, then all that negativity is turned into tears, and ultimately into greater love for them. I love them all, more and more each day, the ones people judge so harshly, there are even some that look like how people often describe as demonic or reptilian or insectoid. There is a big difference in letting go negative layers of aspects of other people who block our connection to all our aspects, and even those ones have a right to be heard and understood. Sometimes when I listen to them, then there is negotiation and they leave more peacefully.

We can get rid of our own aspects, but at some point they will demand our attention, either in this lifetime or in the next one.

When I integrate my fears, I do get to experience the feeling of fear or other emotions and then big waves of hot energy, and then they become more one with me, and I even get to interact more and more with them because now they are more aligned to my heart and they are no longer negative but more positive.

I do not support the idea of "ego suppression or eradication" but instead of acceptance and understanding of all parts of ourselves, and the negative ones have their reason to exist in their suffering. That is true compassion, something that is not so easy to reach but that we can learn a bit more and more each day by starting with ourselves.

If there is something I am doing at this time is the exact opposite of what this person does: if I feel afraid of losing something or someone, I accept these parts of myself that feel this way and treat them with love like children, then I let go the attachments towards the people or things I fear losing and what happens is that whoever or whatever must leave leaves, and what is meant to stay only becomes stronger and more loving. Lately I do this more with my partner and it is working very well, we both are progressing towards a more positive direction in our lives because we both are embracing all our aspects and welcoming them home in our hearts.

You will often hear me mention the concept of "soul vibration or energy signature" which is our soul essence, so when we do healing, through soul retrieval practices or spiritual psychotherapy with ourselves then the way to identify and differentiate energies that belong to others in contrast with our own energies including aspects from different timelines is by getting to know our own soul vibration, that way we can know better what needs to leave from others and what needs to be transformed into love within ourselves. <3
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Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
Sis, I think the "false selves" refer to all those layers of social conditioning that have been dumped on us, making it difficult to embrace who we are. Would it make more sense this way?
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In a way yes my bro, but still to bring about deep healing to all parts of yourself or of your psyche it is preferable to reach a greater understanding on where this conditioning comes from, usually we are being taught many things since we are children. We live in a society that prefers distraction and avoidance over inner dialogue and peaceful negotiation. We are taught to give up on ourselves and to treat ourselves like we do not deserve to be treated with care and with gentleness. We tend to think that ego or "false" parts of ourselves are enemies, so we say to ourselves that our wounded child is our enemy, then we see the outer world as an enemy. So I doubt that by telling to parts of ourselves that they are undesirable and unwelcome based on this conditioning is the way towards compassion.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
What an awesome discussion!!

So I doubt that by telling to parts of ourselves that they are undesirable and unwelcome based on this conditioning is the way towards compassion.
I couldn't agree with this more, Karla!

I've been trying to see the source of all my dissonant thoughts (those of fear, lack, anger, hate, etc.) as actual beings (and childish, more immature versions of myself). Learning to accept and appreciate these as catalysts without disrespecting or simply discarding them has been difficult, but I'm starting to feel that true healing requires much more. When I treat the source of these thoughts as an actual being, I usually picture it like me as a young child--and it feels much better to treat it as I would have liked to be treated back then. Instead of scolding or chastising it (which denies and degrades it), I explain that there are much better ways to deal with the situation. I inform it that I appreciate its input, but I'm deciding to do something different instead (like respond with love, compassion, etc.). Then I "invite" that aspect of self to join me in the process and welcome it along.

It may seem like a rather "wacky" way of reacting to negative thoughts and impulses, but it feels like a much more permanent fix...and it feels more like it actually heals and integrates the fragmented aspect instead of forcing it to hide shamefully in the closet with all the other dismissed and "dark" thoughts.



Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I usually picture it like me as a young child--and it feels much better to treat it as I would have liked to be treated back then. Instead of scolding or chastising it (which denies and degrades it), I explain that there are much better ways to deal with the situation. I inform it that I appreciate its input, but I'm deciding to do something different instead (like respond with love, compassion, etc.). Then I "invite" that aspect of self to join me in the process and welcome it along.
That is a fantastic idea Stargazer! I'm going to try that approach myself. Why didn't I think about that avenue before?:fp
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Stargazer more than wacky I would say that is one of the wisest ways to heal everything. I do this often, feel how I hug my wounded aspects and use motherly energies. I am not a mother in this lifetime but at least it has been a way to try to bring forth this energy. I end up sometimes crying like a baby.

This is something that is used frequently in psychotherapy and I label this practice as spiritual psychotherapy and find it to be a very successful way to retrieve energy of trauma and to dissolve those negative thoughts and patterns.

If we think about it, we are all born as innocent children, even the darkest beings are born this way, with a very pure raw consciousness. As children we are so open to our environment and so vulnerable, that over time we learn that the world is a dangerous place because of our traumatic experiences. So part of the success of psychotherapy based on inner child work is the fact that instead of seeing the collection of negative aspects or ego as a personal enemy we see these parts as children who need to be loved and shown the way back to inner safety.

Think about how people are always threatened by the idea of a dark cabal because subconsciously people are reminded of some sort of harsh parent that controls and punishes the inner child. The dark cabal represents the massive shadow of the collective, for this reason all negativity is accumulated in small groups of individuals. Through inner child work the collective shadow heals and we release those people from such harsh roles. :)
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Here is a personal site that I worked on for a few years although during the past two years I have not updated it with more exercises, but at some point I might continue working on it to add a more psychological approach rather than merely a meditation experience with energy work. This exercise in particular is very much like what you describe my friend:
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Here is a personal site that I worked on for a few years although during the past two years I have not updated it with more exercises, but at some point I might continue working on it to add a more psychological approach rather than merely a meditation experience with energy work. This exercise in particular is very much like what you describe my friend:
Wow...that's looks like a very powerful visualization process! I LOVE the way you worded this: "Tell your aspects that they belong to your heart and that you need them as much as they need you." I felt some very intense "soul bumps" when I read it. :)

The "Idea of Terra Nova" illustration is fabulous too!

It's so great to see how so many of us are on the same apparent wavelength.

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Yes very true my friends, our spirits and hearts converge. <3

If we could stay with an inner sense of peace, then that is when time ceases to exist in our consciousness and subconsciousness, but we might always have an aspiration, so our minds are bouncing back and forth in time lol.
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