The Event: Truth or Fiction? (1 Viewer)

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Jul 27, 2016
Brad submitted a new article
The following article contains my intuitive thoughts and feelings about what has in many new age circles been referred to as 'the Event' and 'disclosure'. This information may or may not resonate with you. Feel free to take in what resonates and discard what doesn't. I have been following channeled information about the Event for a number of years now. I have my own intuitive thoughts and, you could...
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
"As humanity’s level of consciousness rises over time, there will come a time when we will have open and direct contact with E.Ts. This has been referred to as ‘the Event’, disclosure being a part of this"

Thank you Brad for your thoughtful and sensible article. I have never been very interested in the ET aspect of The Event. In fact I have a completely different view of what The Event is. But as far as disclosure is concerned, this may happen after the wave.

I see that the power and control that certain elements in society have through money and weapons is so strong, that this will not be broken as humans slowly evolve. The planet will be destroyed before we are awake enough in numbers to stop it. There are factions on this Earth that would rather destroy everything than lose.

Simon Parkes and others have spoken of waves coming from Source that will engulf the planet and everything on it. I see these waves as an information wave of energy to help wake people up, perhaps destroy the greed programme. I am not sure, I do not know for certain. I do know what has happened in my life and how this wave correlates to my progress in the last six years.

This prophecy from 1944 says it all for me as to what The Event really is and we are going through it now (Boy are we going through it now)

"A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era.

Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by ‘Ascension’.

Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral. This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere.

Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos."

There is more at the link below.

There are other reports of a wave, coming from Source, travelling through the Cosmos and clearing, raising, pruifying, elevating all in it's path.

For me, this is the Event.


Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
Thanks Pod, we are living in interesting times for sure!

My personal feeling is that as individuals how we experience ascension and the Event, may be slightly different and unique for each of us. I also think there will be shared experiences and similarities as well. I've noticed my sensitivity has increased in recent years and certain things like crowds become harder to endure. Even family dinners have their challenges! I think too, because we are in 3D ascending into higher dimensions while still having a physical body, the process has to be quite gradual, so we don't burst into

Thanks for sharing that link to that 70 year old prophecy. I recall reading it a while ago and the information resonates to me too. :)


Collected Consciousness
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Aug 28, 2016
Clearing out all that junk with a “flame” to allow cosmic Love to enter in every individual is what I envision. That gunk cannot live in a higher frequency, so letting go of that is important. But due to free will, one must be ready for such a transformation.
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Lorna Wilson

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Aug 4, 2016
Hi Brad, I'm in agreement with your perspectives. As far as I can determine there is a need for many humans to create an escape route out of being incarnated in this reality. It is factored into religious ideals and by default 'spiritual' ones. We are conditioned to hope for other things to determine our future as well as an ingrained dislike for being 'confined' within the human form with all of its limitations. There are cosmic changes happening and always have been that affect us being that we are formed of the cosmos, but there will be no escape out of our consciousness without our participation individually. The savior mentality is a manipulated one to disconnect us from our own sovereignty. We are here in human form on this planet for a reason that we may never understand as long as we are in human form.


Lorna Wilson

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Aug 4, 2016
This is from the Explorer series carried out by the research into consciousness from the Monroe institute. (TC is Tom Campbell of My Big TOE) There has been many predictions and prophecies that shift as our collective consciousness shifts. Focusing on an escape route does not help the planet shift but more than likely has us humans abdicate our power and is disempowering.

Four Explorers discuss Earth changes throughout the world, the reasons for them and what humans can do to avert or minimize their effects. All foresee coming catastrophe, but many beneficial results in the next 20+ years. TC, SHE, MC, JOC

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Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
Hi Lorna, Thanks for your feedback and comments. I like the point you made about our understanding of the higher reason for our life, which doesn't always make a lot of sense until after we leave. Certainly in 3D we have a limited perception of our soul plan and purpose, but this can expand with spiritual growth and inner work, which is usually a gradual awakening process. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and wisdom. :)
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I agree with Brad and Lorna's perspectives; when I first started out on the spiritual path I didn't understand this. Over time I did a lot of work on myself and found a clearer connection through to the other side which brought with it the ability to tap into such understandings, such as what is being discussed here.

On a regular basis now I see people in search of hope, in search of being saved, yet there is only one way — that is through going inside ourselves and exploring what makes up our consciousness.

I was so focused on many topics to share via transients that based on change coming which would either bring that hope people expected, or change things so that life would be easier, yet now I'm finding myself much more interested in working on self again, but more so from the perspective of teaching others that that is what they need to do. This makes it hard for me to keep up with running the site, as what was important to me is no longer where I want to invest my time and energy.

The term, "The Event", has never resonated with me and I only use it so that others may relate to the primary terms I use, such as the shift in consciousness and new earth. There have already been a series of events (there will be more), and those events are simply energetic based waves that originate from multiple sources, which go towards changing the frequency of the space we exist in, and this results in changes in consciousness and DNA. It sparks people to wake, it pushes those already awake to gain more clarity around what is going on and how they can continue to expand their consciousness.

I recently mentioned elsewhere on RT that there are layers of truth between here and our source, and those layers have beings that govern over them, whether individuals or collective consciousnesses, but which also include thought form based realities. People can get caught up in such layers, and that may be a religion, a common belief (such as "the event"), a heaven that they thought was the ultimate destination, the new earth (there is so much more beyond this new earth), and a lot more.

Other peoples beliefs should never be our beliefs. We should always form our own and eventually move beyond the limitations of the concept of "belief" so that we are no longer constricted by a concrete barrier that we have built, as the belief we hold could easily change through time and the ongoing expansion of our consciousness. Being in the moment plays a very important role here, as we then accept what comes to us rather than having expectations around what we believe. If we believe something is going to happen, that can actually manifest that situation even when that something may not be the actual construct and reality behind what the belief is based upon.

When we head off on our next expedition, after our time here as a human, everything will shift for us and our understandings will completely change again, that is unless we are struck in certain beliefs as those beliefs can exist on the other side which ends up pulling us into so that we live out a period of time in such constructs of the mind. Higher Self Now!: William Buhlman's book helps to make this point that we can return to our true source if we choose to, however, from my perspective there is a lot more going on, so our return may be temporary.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
The 'inner work' focus does seem to be a common thread that consistently holds a lot of resonance, along with the 'companion idea' of its rippling out to others as a person transforms themselves and 'allows' the possibility in those around them. There are so many stories containing this concept.

My favourite idea to play with from Brad's article is probably the development of 'inner technologies'.
Such varied and beautiful possibilities!
I could spend all day imagining those possibilities. Such days are happy days:-D
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Lorna Wilson

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Aug 4, 2016
I like the point you made about our understanding of the higher reason for our life, which doesn't always make a lot of sense until after we leave.
I had a Quantum Healing session a few days ago with a client who came out of it laughing as he'd been working for a long time through different disciplines on 'accessing higher levels' only to discover that there aren't any higher levels. That we go through wormholes, spirals, vortex's , tunnels and such like to access more awareness or other realities. LOL

This drive to get 'higher' presupposes that we are lower, which are all concepts of the conscious mind whose only basis of reality is in our physical lives. That may be the ultimate cosmic joke.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Great reading all the different perspectives on this issue.

I have to say though that just because I think the Event is a possible reality, it does not mean that I need an escape route, nor do I think others do. I just think it is a natural part of our evolution. Why not a cosmic wave? And we are certainly getting a lot at the moment.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
If we believe something is going to happen, that can actually manifest that situation even when that something
Precisely what I have been think about for a while in relationship to "The Event." In other words, even if we were not going to have such manifestation in our 3d world, now that we have a good number of people thinking/believing/envisioning about it (and using sufficient 'emotional fuel' by all the comments expressed in different forums/boards/etc.) something has a good potential for manifestation. Could be through a cosmic wave as Pod mentions above, or a rainbow fog as others have expressed before, or a hybrid combination of all the different manifestations being foretold through different channels.

The final point I would like to make is that "The Event" is not always seen as an escape, or something external coming to solve our problems, but as a fresh start, a way to fully use our capabilities, to grow and develop our consciousness and spiritual understanding from this perspective.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
The final point I would like to make is that "The Event" is not always seen as an escape, or something external coming to solve our problems, but as a fresh start, a way to fully use our capabilities, to grow and develop our consciousness and spiritual understanding from this perspective.
Beautifully said Carl. These differing opinions (and they are just opinions, not truths) have set me to question why I am so committed to the concept of "The Event" We are an experiment in consciousness, so we can experience and experiment with everything!

I guess it helps me to make sense of My Lord energies. It was Laron who posted an article on the Old Transients forum about someone from The Monroe Institute who was on an OBE and met a group of aliens, hanging out around Earth, waiting for what can only be described as "The Event" As I read that, I experienced My Lord powerfully. Love, bliss and acceptance. I knew that "My Lord is coming and nothing else matters" was this wave.

I also wish it because ever more now, I see Earth as caught in a vice of greed, war and destruction. From my own personal experiences in life, I have experienced miracle shifts in situations when my soul has decided it understands specific energies and the drama ends.

I feel the time of greed and destruction in the old patriarchal energy is almost complete now.



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Well, I have noticed a distinct devolution with regards to pinging conscious awareness whenever there is a chance to be love, am love, give love, without measure. I notice this in the collective, not necessarily with individuals. But I know individuals make up the collective, so there must be a lot of them not taking up every chance and every opportunity to be love, etc. Therefore, I wish for a wave of cosmic fire or cosmic electricity to help elevate the collective level of consciousness sufficiently, that people can start being that love, giving that love, without questioning what's in it for them. I think of female and male circumcision - no - that has to go. I think of patriarchy in Saudi Arabia that cannot allow women to be autonomous and drive a car or have a bank account. That has to go. I think of the sacrificial ritualistic way of life that is ruled by deception and hidden values - that has to go. I think of the pile of plastic rubbish heap twice the size of Texas floating in the Pacific - that has to go. I think of men hurting women and women hurting men - that has to go. I think of the innocence of childhood - and how easy it is to unfeelingly and unthinkingly take that away for ever for that individual.

If it is to be gradual, in tiny, individual increments, then nothing will have changed, as we have had it in tiny bursts of love all along. I am looking for the one orgasmic, wave of love that genuinely lets you know you are alive in the now, and your heart has the power to transmute all into love, polarities weaken and the courage to love strengthens.

This will be a universe, a new earth, a planet upon which I could live.


Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
The final point I would like to make is that "The Event" is not always seen as an escape, or something external coming to solve our problems, but as a fresh start, a way to fully use our capabilities, to grow and develop our consciousness and spiritual understanding from this perspective.
That is a good point Carl, thanks for sharing your perspective! I feel if the Event did occur, it would appear different for each of us, based on our level of awareness and consciousness, as I might of mentioned. I think not going into fear and panic would be a challenge for the unawakened. As humans we tend to fear the unknown and what we don't understand. This is also gradually changing, but I do feel it needs to be baby steps for the masses, not a full course meal, so to speak.


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Jul 27, 2016
I see it as a spark that ignites us from within and ripples outward.
Interesting point Anaeika. In meditation last night one of my guides mentioned that I need to work on the direction of going within. To go within myself more for answers and direction. Your comment, just reminded me of that just now. So often, we can look for answers or direction outside of oneself, whether that be a family member, a friend, a channel or mentor, etc. Trusting our inner guidance is so important and yet also something that can be overlooked in our present society.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Had a little personal event today. Stay with me - I promise there is a point.

Had to replace a headlight bulb, which required removing the battery, so my car would pass inspection. Arrived for my appointment and discovered that disconnecting the battery resets the car computer, which has to be checked as part of the inspection process. I was told I needed 60-70 miles of driving for the computer to go through all its paces. As I'm not scheduled for work in the next few days, I was left with just driving my car. As I thought about the best way to go, I felt some unease. What was that about?? I was uncomfortable with not having a destination or purpose for the trip. I loaded up my dog and set off, still thinking about my feelings. Then this thread popped into my head.

I realized that I have no idea about the details - who comes and who goes - does part of the US slide into the Pacific - and so on. However, what I do have is an unerring since of direction, as if I was born with the navigation points. I know exactly where we are headed and aim for it each day. I know we will be free of interference to our bodies and minds. We still can chose to learn and grow or not, but we will not have so much garbage (figuratively and literally) heaped upon us. I know this with every fiber of my being.

I was driving west because the traffic would not be so heavy. Where did I end up before turning around for home?? Liberty Hill. I knew it was the perfect turning point because that is what I see - liberty.

Who knew a car inspection would lead to such a revelation!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I want to make the point about telepathy, which has been mapped out by visionaries and channelers in relation to what might be coming with a more evolved humanity. Unless we get a rapid upgrade spiritually to all surface humanity, then I can't see us as a collective evolving consciously. It has always been the case that individuals do it, due to their own path over incarnations, or their focus on making spiritual evolution their purpose of living. The need to lie, deceive, be apathetic and hide behind the manipulated screens of others has kept the notch on the consciousness mast very low for the collective. People becoming practiced liars, for instance. Who knew that was a profession? When I was a kid, I remember a phase where I deeply considered the value of lying, by using analysis and all that. I tried it out a couple of times and then analysed why it wouldn't work for profitable ends. I already knew about reincarnation, and the value of spiritual work for the soul's purpose, as I was lucky to have that memory by age 6. Lying just didn't fit into the picture, it always made things worse, and I was a terrible liar, anyway. I realised that trying to hold down a pack of lies, which includes keeping all your lies in straight order, would be like holding down a bevy of balloons by all their strings - it would be impossible, and some of the strings would be let go. I am the type of person who prefers to go over and over my stuff-ups in my own mind, to try to glean the tiniest bit of understanding and betterment out of them, rather than deceiving myself and others with falsehoods to try to ameliorate the damage the stuff-up has actually caused.

But we still live in a world where billions of people use lying as a daily habit, for whatever the benefit they perceive.

It appears as a collective we need a deep rinse, wash cycle, and perhaps spin, so that telepathy can become the new normal in communication (as I believe it once was in distant ages past) since we are designed with this capability but it has just atrophied and dropped out of common usage. A lot of the difficulties in the world would simply disappear overnight, as liars tend to rely on chains of lies, not just one simple one. Deviousness and callousness would disappear. Perhaps people would even give themselves the microscopic once-over, once they had a clear view of who, in fact, they are, shorn of decrepit layers that lying has built up around them.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Perhaps people would even give themselves the microscopic once-over, once they had a clear view of who, in fact, they are, shorn of decrepit layers that lying has built up around them.
Well said! I was talking about the benefits of telepathy to some people, and the overwhelming response was concern about others knowing their thoughts. Lying takes so much energy and so much more could be accomplished if people were just straightforward. I call it the "Soap Opera" scenario - when deception is the norm.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I dream of the day when the professional liars (politicians, others in the law/'justice' system, diplomats, banking, sales and marketing, etc.) are out of business. Unfortunately currently it is a very lucrative line (or lines) of work. That would be one of the benefits from telepathy but there would be also some pitfalls, for example offending people unintentionally/unnecessarily, or invading privacy to mention just two. We would have first to evolve spiritually a bit more before being exposed to telepathy in order to avoid the pitfalls.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This is intriguing Melt. Needs it own thread I think because we will have a lot to share on this in coming months. Thanks.

I have begun to investigate this subject matter as well, more from an observational perspective than an active part. How I communicate with people, what I communicate to people, why I communicate with people.

Is it telepathy? Or is it soul to soul communication through the knowing of the heart?

I am watching what I say, checking "Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Does it come from a space of goodwill?"

My dear love behaves as if he has almost reached his allotted number of spoken words for this life time, though he has graduated from Neanderthal grunt mode. I am aware that we have two modes of communicating, our everyday one and our deeper one which could be telepathic in nature, but also features dreams and visions. This deeper one is the heart communication and it is silent.

I asked one of my male friends the other day if he was OK and he said he just does not want to talk so much to people any more. Boring him.

Yes, I sense the beginning of this shift.

I do not think the telepathy concept works when we are in 3d. It works once we access higher realms because then we are beyond the 3d mind and all it's fear programmes. We need to be "In the Now" for this silent communication.

There will much more to report on this.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I have been having something similar, on alternate days last week, one day of loving, next day sadness, next day loving.
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