The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Very interesting Lotos!
Bottom line, assuming those rough calculations and assumptions are correct, and as Disclosure News says: "Once completed the removal of all Tentacles and the Head we will be ready for The Event." then something should happen from the end of October going forward. Comments anybody?
God your clever. Love your brain Carl. More tomorrow. Must sleep.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Very interesting Lotos! If I analyze the chart a bit (being an engineer by education I love, charts, graphs, numbers) I notice a few interesting things. The speed of dissolution decreased as it progressed. The last decrease % points (1 % each) is now taking roughly 1 1/2 month per 1%. The last update was made June 17, 2018 and dissolution was at 97%. Projecting to the future and assuming a relative similar speed of dissolution at the end of July we should be at 98% dissolution, by mid-September should be 99% and by the end of October would be 100%.
Bottom line, assuming those rough calculations and assumptions are correct, and as Disclosure News says: "Once completed the removal of all Tentacles and the Head we will be ready for The Event." then something should happen from the end of October going forward. Comments anybody?
I agree with Pod, Carl, your brain processes, analyses and then presents! I'm not too happy about this little graphic though. I've been aware of it in action since 2016, but I stay away from it. There is a conflict in Lotus's post where he states "beloved Yalda", when that thing is not beloved at all, it is a representation of the archontic force (entities/beings - plural) who have asserted willpower and control systems upon our Earth space and our minds for generations. I understand that Cobra's story has been all about warring factions and how the alliance faction is overcoming Yaldaboath. If that is true it is all in the etheric worlds and therefore manifestation from the results of that will trickle down to us once fully formed. I just point out the arms represent stranglehold, and the being itself represents deception. Perhaps to minimise its stranglehold, we can visualise rubbing salt onto its tentacles - which should make them shrink away faster.

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
Apologies for taking a sidetrack here, but the "Yaldaboath" image, am I to insinuate that the [sinister "Spectre" organization from James Bond 007 movies] is real and is being obliterated one arm at a time?
Shadow governments being outed and systematically flushed out?
If yes, well, I guess it fits the theme! O.o:D
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Pod, Carl, and others, I can understand your feelings of loneliness fully. I’ve lived most of my life alone. By choice, I might add, can’t find anyone to blame, bummer. From my earliest days, as a boy, I’ve had an insatiable desire to know where I came from, what the hell I’m doing here, and where I’m going after I leave here. As a result, I spent all my spare time alone, studying books that might shed some light on that, while my peers were out partying. None of my peers were the least bit interested. Sometimes the loneliness was crushing, I often asked myself, what the hell am I doing here, I don’t belong here, on this planet. (I still don’t feel I belong here).

The challenge of knowing that you are “different” from the Earth humans around, but not knowing why and not remembering your mission. The pain of isolation that most of you would experience as a result of incarnating “alone” amongst a sea of strangers. The pain of always being considered odd, strange and even deranged for simply speaking and acting in a way that is right, good and true for you.

All of this, and so much more, would you have been appraised of in your briefing. And you would also have been told of the incredible wonders of the Earth. The natural beauty and diversity that is beyond parallel, for example.
And then, duly prepared, you, the Starseed contractor, would leave to commence your Great Service.

The Starseed Contract
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Apologies for taking a sidetrack here, but the "Yaldaboath" image, am I to insinuate that the [sinister "Spectre" organization from James Bond 007 movies] is real and is being obliterated one arm at a time?
Shadow governments being outed and systematically flushed out?
If yes, well, I guess it fits the theme! O.o:D
I have read in other articles that yes, the Spectre organisation as portrayed in 007 is a real entity.

Also note that the octopus enveloping the Earth is the logo of National Reconnaissance Office in the US.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
All of this, and so much more, would you have been appraised of in your briefing. And you would also have been told of the incredible wonders of the Earth. The natural beauty and diversity that is beyond parallel, for example.
And then, duly prepared, you, the Starseed contractor, would leave to commence your Great Service.
Thank you Lotos, I watched a talk by someone called Sherry Wilde in which she spoke of a "longing to go home" and I real*eyes a lot of my lonliness comes from that too. Yes, I am sure that in my briefing I was told what it would be like.

I find deep comfort and solace amongst the plants in the Biblical Garden I tend daily. Also being by the river and swimming in it every afternoon that I can. Nature is my saving grace.

In 1995, I was offered free healing from a Tibetan doctor in London. He would put 10 gold needles into my head (to allow my soul into my body) One time, after a particularly upsetting treatment, he said to me, very seriously "What you are going to do will be very, very hard"

Having just come out of a very challenging 6 year cycle, I brushed off his warning with, " It will be easy compared to what I have just gone through" I replied. He was right.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
God your clever. Love your brain Carl. More tomorrow. Must sleep.
I do not really feel a connection to this monster thing and no I do not think we will have to wait as long as October Carl. Surely, if there is less and less of this octopus to convert, then it should go faster at the end, not slower?
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Surely, if there is less and less of this octopus to convert, then it should go faster at the end, not slower?
I assumed the same Pod, but my thinking was corrected when I noticed that it was the opposite looking at the date progression. I was too trying to see if it was a match time-wise between Discovery News and Schrödinger's Öther Cat since the latter has the Event for sometime this summer.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I feel compelled to mention this curious experience in this thread. Yesterday I decided to take a nap in the afternoon being exhausted mainly psychologically since I’m starting to work towards relocating to a different state –very stressful and draining, especially mentally. To help me relax and to fall sleep I started to think, visualize and send energy toward “The Event.” It worked and soon I was in an altered state of consciousness, perhaps dreaming, when clearly I heard my dad’s voice talking to me in Spanish in his regular speech pattern (my dad passed in his sleep January the 2nd 2017). He told me that one uncle in Peru was now having health problems; the affected area was his heart.

Waking up I called my aunt (dad’s sister) in Florida, told her about my experience and she promised to contact a cousin in Peru to make inquires. Today I just spoke with my aunt that confirmed that indeed my uncle is a delicate health situation and it is the heart (he is seeing a cardiologist). The magnitude of the problem is not fully known because he refuses to talk about it with his children (the cousin mentioned above happens to be his daughter).

That has made me think that perhaps the thinning of the veils is indeed accelerating as we approach certain point in time. By-the-way, I never had before that type of experience (warning for somebody else), however, months ago I had another curious dream experience involving both my parents and years ago a highly unexplained event after my youngest brother passed unexpectedly.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
that can be very possible carl, this week was not the easiest for me as i tended to be quite ouf of form and tired so normally i feel tired near end of the day and not in the middle of the morning already, and i am sure i haven t neglected my normal eating habits


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
To help me relax and to fall sleep I started to think, visualize and send energy toward “The Event.”
What a brilliant idea Carl! Loved your post and am delighted that you are having communication. I do hope your warning is of help to your Uncle and that he will be OK.

I gotta try this.

I am finding stranger things happening too. Here is one example:

A couple of weeks ago, whilst swimming in the river, I came across a large clam, the size of my hand. I had no idea what it was so I photographed it and returned it to the water. Later I posted it on the local Facebook page with a request for information and identification. Some said it was a fresh water oyster, rare and protected. Others said a fresh water mussel, but the general feeling was excitement and wonder!

Two days later, I was waiting for a bus to my friend's house, when a young woman approached me "Pod is that you?" I had not seen her for nearly two years, having come to know her when she cleaned house at my previous address. We chatted and were joined by another friend and once on the bus, I took out my phone and showed them the photo of the fresh water clam.

The young woman could not believe it. She and her partner had been fishing at a loch about 20 miles away the previous weekend and had harvested several of these clams to eat. However they were told that they were probably toxic and too big to be anything but tough so her partner threw them in the river. She phoned him to find out just where he threw them. Yup, right where I swim.

What were the chances of meeting the person who was complicit in putting the clams in the river? Unbelievable.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Bottom line, assuming those rough calculations and assumptions are correct, and as Disclosure News says: "Once completed the removal of all Tentacles and the Head we will be ready for The Event." then something should happen from the end of October going forward. Comments anybody?
similar answer here

Predicting the future is a risky business. That is why when you go to visit two different psychics at two different times (say, one visit in your early twenties and another in your early thirties), there is a big possibility that these psychics will give you two very different answers to the same question you had asked them. Out of the INFINITE number of potential, future realities lying ahead of you, i.e. your probable timelines, these psychics can only provide predictions based on your vibrations and intentions you held, at the time of your visit. Every single person you met in life, who played a part in your life back then, or, who would (in the future timeline) play a part in your life will, have the power to change your probable future. It is really ‘Forks in the Road’ stuff for everyone who will play a potentially significant role in your life.
In the case of the timing of this Great Event, however, the risks of a misprediction is magnified a million fold. There are many micro and macro factors, coming from the human collective, that can influence space and time to produce a different timeline than what was originally predicted/estimated/forecasted.
That being said, here comes our final answer to your BIG question. With the presumption that all things/all matters continue to develop at their current velocity of change, there is a 56% possibility that the Great Event will probably take place within the next 3 to 6 months from today.(March 14, 2018 ) This answer is based on current Light Data and planetary vibration level of Earth. Please do not be disappointed if it comes slightly later than the above forecast. There is even a 30% chance that it will take place before the above time range


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
there is a 56% possibility that the Great Event will probably take place within the next 3 to 6 months from today
Yes Lotos, I did run into that article before (was even referred to somewhere I believe). I find it interesting, specially this portion: "the Event is a singular, cosmic, completely visible, planetary-scale ‘explosion’ of Divine Light and Love on Earth. These powerful waves of Divine Light and Love will come straight from God/Source; channeled through the Great Central Sun."
That portion, for a retired engineer like me brought some thoughts, specially the "completely visible" statement. Two options presented themselves for analysis. First, we could be talking about a "wave" of "something" so intangible that we can only appreciate it by its effects (analogy: normal love between humans or humans and pets, the effects being tangible only by the resulting manifestations taking place as a result of that feeling). Or second, an event of the described nature ("powerful waves") that in order to have an effect for all in this 3d world, could have a physical/tangible component. If so, it must obey the physical laws that govern this universe, therefore it theoretically could be seen/perceived by our senses (the normal 5 and/or extrasensory ones that some humans and animal possess), perhaps be measured, analyzed (as per speed, point of origin, frequencies, trajectory, timing, etc., etc.). Considering only timing, perhaps its speed is so great, way beyond light-speed (second option) or so subtle/intangible (first option) that only people with some extrasensory capabilities have the ability to "perceive/see it approaching, and since those subjective human instruments are not fully developed yet, or even if they are for some, translating those experiences into precise arrival time is extremely difficult, thus all the discrepancies. Was something interesting reading to ponder about.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
That portion, for a retired engineer like me brought some thoughts,
Geeze Louise, Carl. This may be one of the best explanations I've ever read.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Brilliant Carl, but then again, I expect nothing less from you. Beautiful brain!

PS why does it have to obey the physical laws that govern this Universe?
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
PS why does it have to obey the physical laws that govern this Universe?
Good question Pod! The article said: These powerful waves of Divine Light and Love will come straight from God/Source; channeled through the Great Central Sun." First then, where is the Great Central Sun mentioned? My conclusion was that the message probably referred to Alcyone, in the Pleiades. If those "powerful waves" were first to interact with the Central Sun, and then in order to reach us the Central Sun would emit "something" to travel towards us in space, and since furthermore there is this statement "the Event is a singular, cosmic, completely visible, planetary-scale ‘explosion’" it made me think that there must be at least a component there that may be tangible enough in order to be completely visible, and if so, being in a 3d Universe as we currently perceive ours, then it would have to obey its laws like anything else in it.
There has been mention about the wave coming actually through our own Sun, but it seems that in certain circles our Sun is perceived as a portal from Alcyone, in which case we may not be able to perceive anything until it comes at us through our Sun, but in order to affect all of us simultaneously and taking us by surprise, the waves would be coming at such speed that we won't have time to react, much less to take any readings; only to feel its effects. If that is the case, then the only people being able to perceive something in advance would be our sensitive humans in this world that may perceive something coming at us but not being able to predict its precise time of arrival as my prior comment states.
Just in case, I did run earlier into this article that some of you may find relevant to our discussion:


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I am always on high alert and caution when I read anything about ascended masters and especially, Sananda. This is all informed initially through Theosophy and Anthroposophy, which is not wrong or evil, but I believe has been twisted out of context by some "people" or "others" who have an agenda to play out here. I am not saying Great Masters may not exist in other dimensions, more fully developed than our own, and that those self-same masters may have lived their reincarnational cycle in earth lives before they became Great Masters. I do not like the Cobra site, which pushes what I call the New Age False Light agenda. The whole article is written with regards to souls, not to incarnated aspects of those souls here on Earth now. I do recognise the lines of truth expressed in the article in that souls with free will choose how this existence will play out for them, but I don't like the concept that there is only one final, last chance for souls in this scenario. Anyone who has done any spiritual growth will know that souls often come across the "doorway to the divine" in their experiential wanderings, but sometimes wander away from it rather than go through it, and get lost all over again. That getting lost and finding yourself routine is how the soul gathers enough spiritual divinity and self-realisation.

Another name to watch out for that is being pushed in the False Light agenda is Maitreya, who was an earthly Buddhist monk more than 1,000 years ago, who became enlightened and what is known as a Bodhisattva. But the name Maitreya is again being twisted out of context by the purveyors of this New Age religion - i.e. the one-world religion that is being pushed covertly, but will soon be openly pushed. He is being called the future Lord Maitreya, World Saviour, blah blah blah.

Anyone interested in the recent history of the last 150 years about the influence of Theosophy and Anthroposophy in our modern era can listen to a great series of lectures by Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt) in his "X" radio series.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Due to the proliferation of Sananda this, and Sananda that on the internet, it is good to be informed about when/where Sananda was first given prominence. The website below identifies original Theosophical thought (as channelled by Helena P Blavatsky) and Pseudo-Theosophy - ideas circulated by C.W. Leadbeater after the death of Blavatsky. As the New Age False Light agenda is wound up in Pseudo-Theosophy, and promulgates "The Event" per that philosophy, people need to discern what they are being fed as fact and truth.

It was not until 1909, eighteen years after HPB had passed away, that the notion of the imminent return of “The Lord Christ-Maitreya, the World Teacher” was formulated within the Adyar Society. This doctrine, originating with Leadbeater, assumes various points which are not only entirely absent from the original Theosophical teachings but which are also contradictory to them. For example:

(1) Original Theosophy, which rarely uses the term “Christ” anyway, recognises “Christ” or “Christos” as simply a symbolic term and name for a universal spiritual Principle, and emphasises that Christ is not a person, an individual being, or an entity.

(2) It does not equate an individual “Lord Christ” with an individual “Lord Maitreya” by saying that these are two names for one being. Maitreya is, however, a term and name for the Buddha of the Sixth Root Race, who is not due to appear until the close of the Kali Yuga, in many thousands of years from now. HPB’s article “Lamas and Druses” clarifies that the occurrence which some describe as “the Coming of Maitreya” will not take the form which many might be inclined to expect, for “this will be the One Wisdom and will incarnate itself into the whole humanity collectively, not in a single individual.”

(3) It also does not teach that the “Lord Christ-Maitreya” is the “Master of all the other Masters,” it does not refer to the other Masters and Adepts as “the Disciples of Christ,” and it does not maintain that Christ or Maitreya possessed or overshadowed the “Master Jesus” in order to complete or fulfil a mission which Gautama Buddha had been unable to adequately accomplish, as claimed in these later teachings of Leadbeater, Besant, and Bailey, the latter of whom wrote extensively on this theme. In other words, original Theosophy does not raise Christ to a position of pre-eminence and prominence above the Buddha.

(4) It does not proclaim that the appearance or return of a great Avatar or Saviour is at hand. On the contrary, it is taught in “The Secret Doctrine” that “It is not in the Kali yuga, our present terrifically materialistic age of Darkness, the “Black Age,” that a new Saviour of Humanity can ever appear.” (Vol. 1, p. 470)

(5) It does not hail any particular being as “The World Teacher.”

(6) It does not endorse the practice of promoting and reciting a “Great Invocation” – as in the Bailey teachings – in order to “clear the way” so that a great Avatar can return to the world of men more easily and speedily. It teaches instead that such rare events always occur in accordance with Cyclic Law and not according to the aspiration and longing of individuals.

Although some people have claimed that the Theosophical Movement itself was founded in order to proclaim and prepare for the Second Coming of Christ, there is no evidence at all to support this. Rather than this doctrine being the central aspect of Theosophy, as some have said, it actually has nothing in common with the Theosophy presented to the world by H.P. Blavatsky.

Although the original teachings of Theosophy refer at times to the fact that there are Masters, Mahatmas, Adepts, and Initiates, who are the guardians and custodians of the Esoteric Doctrine and its timeless truths, the emphasis is always without fail on the Philosophy itself and not on the Masters.

Neither HPB, WQJ, nor the Masters themselves, ever divulged details and information about the roles, tasks, locations, past lives, hierarchical positions, levels, and grades of initiation of the Masters. The later teachers and writers we have referred to did exactly this, including drawing up and publishing complex charts and diagrams which purport to show the inner workings of the hierarchical structure of the Great Brotherhood of Masters.

They also published detailed accounts of the physical appearances of the Masters and some described their supposed meetings and intimate friendliness with some of these Masters, whilst at the same time inventing various “new” Masters who are not found described or referred to in those positions in the original Theosophical literature, such as the “Master Jesus,” “The Venetian,” “Master R.,” “Master P.,” “Master Jupiter,” etc.

There was also the insertion of Sanat Kumara as “The Great King, the Lord of the World,” the distortion of the true nature and role of the Maha Chohan, the anthropomorphisation of the Manu, and the exalting of “Christ-Maitreya” to the position of Master over the other Masters, who are frequently described as being the faithful “servants and disciples of Christ” and favouring ritualism, ceremonial, and the Christian Church, whilst Buddha is pushed well into the background, along with genuine Eastern esotericism.

Original Theosophy does not revolve around a cult of the Masters nor their supposed pictures and portraits but rather around the life-giving, soul-satisfying, all-encompassing Esoteric Philosophy and Spiritual Science which the actual Masters gave to the world in the closing quarter of the 19th century through the one they called their “Direct Agent,” H.P. Blavatsky.

Further in on the same website:

The seven Kumaras, including Sanat Kumara, are well known in Hinduism. H.P. Blavatsky speaks of them at length in “The Secret Doctrine” and states that they are one and the same group of Beings as the seven Dhyani Buddhas, the seven Archangels, and the seven Elohim, and that these are just different names for the same Seven. Sanat Kumara is not described as being the chief amongst them but it is indicated that Sanaka is the chief of the four exoteric Kumaras (consisting of Sanaka, Sanat Kumara, Sananda, and Sanatana) and that Sanat Sujata is the chief of the three esoteric Kumaras, the other two of that group being Sana and Kapila.

According to the original teachings of Theosophy, the Kumaras are the divine beings with which humanity is most concerned but none of them are described as dwelling at Shamballa.


Involved Wayfarer
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Sep 27, 2016
South Africa
Tomorrow is Peter Deunov's birthday!

Posted February 11, 2016
P. LaViolette

Just days before his death on December 27, 1944, well known Bulgarian mystic Peter Deunov had a vision which inspired him to relate a prophecy of what was in store for the human race in the century that was to follow. Deunov, also known to Bulgarians by his spiritual name Beinsa Douno, was a philosopher, musician and spiritual teacher who developed a form of esoteric Christianity. Curiously, his prophecy anticipated in great detail the concept of a superwave which he predicted was to purify the Earth in the very near future and not only bring about tremendous geological transformation, but also spiritually change the world, bringing into being a new human race, the “sixth race.”
Following Pod’s post of Peter Deunov’s prophecy regarding a coming galactic super wave (thank you Pod), I paid a visit to Dr Paul La Violette’s web site, where this prophecy vid is posted. On his web site I came across a link to a very interesting podcast interview, where he explains what this super wave is, see

He did his Ph.D. dissertation on the super wave. So, I gather that the super wave is not some fanciful theory, but can be backed up by science, with physical evidence being reflected in Earth’s geology.

I brief, he postulates that “there is no black hole at the centre of our galaxy, but a sun, which has a mass of 4 million times that of our own sun. He calls it the mother sun, as he believes that it is the originator of all the other suns in our galaxy. Just like our sun goes through periods of solar maximum and minimum, so does the great central sun. During the maximum periods, and other events which he describes briefly, enormous amounts of energy are radiated out, which vary in intensity, from almost not noticeable on Earth, to very serious consequences for the Earth. And he does mention that the energy from the central sun, first influences our sun, which in turn has an influence on Earth.”

Considering that energy/light contains vast amounts of information, the effects on matter, DNA and consciousness, could be quite far reaching, imv

I found the interview very interesting, and it’s given me a better understanding of what the super wave/event might be.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Due to the proliferation of Sananda this, and Sananda that on the internet, it is good to be informed about when/where Sananda was first given prominence. The website below identifies original Theosophical thought (as channelled by Helena P Blavatsky) and Pseudo-Theosophy - ideas circulated by C.W. Leadbeater after the death of Blavatsky. As the New Age False Light agenda is wound up in Pseudo-Theosophy, and promulgates "The Event" per that philosophy, people need to discern what they are being fed as fact and truth.

It was not until 1909, eighteen years after HPB had passed away, that the notion of the imminent return of “The Lord Christ-Maitreya, the World Teacher” was formulated within the Adyar Society. This doctrine, originating with Leadbeater, assumes various points which are not only entirely absent from the original Theosophical teachings but which are also contradictory to them. For example:

(1) Original Theosophy, which rarely uses the term “Christ” anyway, recognises “Christ” or “Christos” as simply a symbolic term and name for a universal spiritual Principle, and emphasises that Christ is not a person, an individual being, or an entity.

(2) It does not equate an individual “Lord Christ” with an individual “Lord Maitreya” by saying that these are two names for one being. Maitreya is, however, a term and name for the Buddha of the Sixth Root Race, who is not due to appear until the close of the Kali Yuga, in many thousands of years from now. HPB’s article “Lamas and Druses” clarifies that the occurrence which some describe as “the Coming of Maitreya” will not take the form which many might be inclined to expect, for “this will be the One Wisdom and will incarnate itself into the whole humanity collectively, not in a single individual.”

(3) It also does not teach that the “Lord Christ-Maitreya” is the “Master of all the other Masters,” it does not refer to the other Masters and Adepts as “the Disciples of Christ,” and it does not maintain that Christ or Maitreya possessed or overshadowed the “Master Jesus” in order to complete or fulfil a mission which Gautama Buddha had been unable to adequately accomplish, as claimed in these later teachings of Leadbeater, Besant, and Bailey, the latter of whom wrote extensively on this theme. In other words, original Theosophy does not raise Christ to a position of pre-eminence and prominence above the Buddha.

(4) It does not proclaim that the appearance or return of a great Avatar or Saviour is at hand. On the contrary, it is taught in “The Secret Doctrine” that “It is not in the Kali yuga, our present terrifically materialistic age of Darkness, the “Black Age,” that a new Saviour of Humanity can ever appear.” (Vol. 1, p. 470)

(5) It does not hail any particular being as “The World Teacher.”

(6) It does not endorse the practice of promoting and reciting a “Great Invocation” – as in the Bailey teachings – in order to “clear the way” so that a great Avatar can return to the world of men more easily and speedily. It teaches instead that such rare events always occur in accordance with Cyclic Law and not according to the aspiration and longing of individuals.

Although some people have claimed that the Theosophical Movement itself was founded in order to proclaim and prepare for the Second Coming of Christ, there is no evidence at all to support this. Rather than this doctrine being the central aspect of Theosophy, as some have said, it actually has nothing in common with the Theosophy presented to the world by H.P. Blavatsky.

Although the original teachings of Theosophy refer at times to the fact that there are Masters, Mahatmas, Adepts, and Initiates, who are the guardians and custodians of the Esoteric Doctrine and its timeless truths, the emphasis is always without fail on the Philosophy itself and not on the Masters.

Neither HPB, WQJ, nor the Masters themselves, ever divulged details and information about the roles, tasks, locations, past lives, hierarchical positions, levels, and grades of initiation of the Masters. The later teachers and writers we have referred to did exactly this, including drawing up and publishing complex charts and diagrams which purport to show the inner workings of the hierarchical structure of the Great Brotherhood of Masters.

They also published detailed accounts of the physical appearances of the Masters and some described their supposed meetings and intimate friendliness with some of these Masters, whilst at the same time inventing various “new” Masters who are not found described or referred to in those positions in the original Theosophical literature, such as the “Master Jesus,” “The Venetian,” “Master R.,” “Master P.,” “Master Jupiter,” etc.

There was also the insertion of Sanat Kumara as “The Great King, the Lord of the World,” the distortion of the true nature and role of the Maha Chohan, the anthropomorphisation of the Manu, and the exalting of “Christ-Maitreya” to the position of Master over the other Masters, who are frequently described as being the faithful “servants and disciples of Christ” and favouring ritualism, ceremonial, and the Christian Church, whilst Buddha is pushed well into the background, along with genuine Eastern esotericism.

Original Theosophy does not revolve around a cult of the Masters nor their supposed pictures and portraits but rather around the life-giving, soul-satisfying, all-encompassing Esoteric Philosophy and Spiritual Science which the actual Masters gave to the world in the closing quarter of the 19th century through the one they called their “Direct Agent,” H.P. Blavatsky.

Further in on the same website:

The seven Kumaras, including Sanat Kumara, are well known in Hinduism. H.P. Blavatsky speaks of them at length in “The Secret Doctrine” and states that they are one and the same group of Beings as the seven Dhyani Buddhas, the seven Archangels, and the seven Elohim, and that these are just different names for the same Seven. Sanat Kumara is not described as being the chief amongst them but it is indicated that Sanaka is the chief of the four exoteric Kumaras (consisting of Sanaka, Sanat Kumara, Sananda, and Sanatana) and that Sanat Sujata is the chief of the three esoteric Kumaras, the other two of that group being Sana and Kapila.

According to the original teachings of Theosophy, the Kumaras are the divine beings with which humanity is most concerned but none of them are described as dwelling at Shamballa.

Thanks,Melt, I haven’t researched too much, so your info is very helpful.

You speak of feeling on high alert, this is how I feel with some things.
All this talk about waves, that we seem to have been waiting for for some years.
A central sun that is going to purify us and the Earth, and, any who are not ready will be left behind.
Forgive me but I see that as a,....... get out......sort of, ‘ Well nothing has happened to us, so I guess we weren’t ready’
So we will carry on for many more years feeling we’re not good enough, because that’s what it seem to amount to

Apparently we will experience, unconditional love, divine bliss, complete acceptance of who we are, divine grace/blessings, and strong feelings of family and being home again.
Yes I believe we will, but not until we leave out bodies and go to the other side.
The problem is, many think of this process as dying, but by what I understand, it’s simply passing from one life to another.

Of course there will be many different views on this.

The human race so desperately needs to be lifted up. We are all fed up with being slaves, I’m hearing people of all ages saying, what a crap life it is, they are desperate for something better, for some relief.

This is where I think we have to be careful, those who rule now and wish to continue to do so, will and are doing their utmost to deceive us. And very clever they are in the way they do it.
Appearing as angels of light, so to speak. Promising love, bliss, and so forth and so on.
Yes, the dark side know how to appear as light, but we have our intuition, and that is one of the things they are trying to destroy.

So after hearing so many promises and prophesy, I am wary, and if warning bells start ringing, if something feels ( off ) I take notice.

I don’t want to squash anyone’s hope, we all need that. Just had to say my peice, and as I’ve said befor, I am very sceptical. And maybe a tad jaded after years of being disappointed.

I haven’t researched


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Apparently we will experience, unconditional love, divine bliss, complete acceptance of who we are, divine grace/blessings, and strong feelings of family and being home again.
Not quite June, many of us are already feeling that in some regard anyway through sheer hard work.

A lot of people are going to feel different things and some may feel real guilt and shame.

It is a very personal process and cannot be generally quantified.

As for the dying bit...... I disagree there, the experiment in human consciousness which was hijacked has almost come to an end. Life evolves June, it does not stay the same forever!

I recall that less than 100 years ago, my grandparents would have a race if they met another car on the way to London. Loser buying tea at Fortnum and Mason. Now look at us!

Watching a documentary about John Curry, when homosexuality was still illegal, and now we have men marrying and having babies together. The evolution has been huge and it will carry on.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I found the interview very interesting, and it’s given me a better understanding of what the super wave/event might be.
Listening to the podcast now Gunther. Thanks for that, yes I recall Paul la Violette on the old Transients website. Good to be reminded that there is a scientific basis to all this.

Ooops sidetracked by the Wimbledon final.
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Interesting, I followed Paul for his work on free energy projects. Him and many others. What pissed me off most was everybody was demonstrating their wares but none were for sale. Maybe this post is best in the Tesla thread but his name came up here and thus so did this post.
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