The Event is Upon Us part 3 (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
and experience, it is a try and error game over time
that is where wisdom comes from - remembering what works and what does not


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
What is sad is.... most of the people I know are college-educated professionals, who are "supposed" to have higher-IQ (hence, potentially higher resistance to propaganda due to said ability to think logically), but alas no - it is the opposite.
i know that, there are 2 kinds of iq, the real iq and the mainstream iq for me, the mainstream iq i have everywhere arround me, hence the others rarely understand me what i really mean to say


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Wise words Lady Linda.

I am now 90% emotionally detached from Trump/Biden drama. I KNOW in this old body that Trump is going to be President for another 4 years or die trying.

My focus is on the students living next door, two of whom will not be going home for Christmas and are spending it with me. I am also making jams, wines and love. I take care of those around me, my town. That is what I have some measure of control over. The rest is just doing it's own thing!

The best way I can help Trump and the US is by maintaining calm certitude that all will be well. And it will.

PS Most importantly, I am not listening, reading or watching any MSM !
If his life gets finished by trying will that not makes the masses see even more what goes on?

Just a reflection


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
If his life gets finished by trying will that not makes the masses see even more what goes on?

Just a reflection
The people were blindsided by the assassination of JFK and the magic bullet Alain, I don't think they would let themselves be fooled again. I think the rage would propel the masses to finally boot out the evil doers.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Oh Dear. Facebook are no longer referring to Biden as "President Elect" he is just Joe Biden again.

Has anyone told Henda?
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
with what has started to roll one has to jump to the side before the wave is even heard or seen otherwise it is too late

those poor at the media and other power postions will know a tsunami of turbulence very soon


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The gas station I've been going to for years was robbed a couple of days ago. I went by to check on them today because we know each other. As I left, I thought about my gestures. I said just give robbers what they want because they are crazy and there's no telling what they will do. As I said that I had my hand over my head moving back and forth. As I left, I put my palms together and said be safe, and the young man did the same with a big smile on his face. (They are Pakistani.) I did it instinctively with no forethought. The hands over my head were indicating the robbers had no connection to Source/God, and my hands together in prayer position were in blessing to the young man. I'm always surprising myself. I may have surprised him, too.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
The beauty of the subconcious

I know in such cases that resisting those ends but in harm, must be a reason i avoid violence by all means possible
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Watching a nature program - guys take their boat into a water spout and film it (all ok). His description - wait for it -

sensory overload, brain cannot process anything, all you feel is joy

maybe this is a clue because a water spout is a vortex.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sometimes my dog convinces me to join him in an after breakfast nap - lol. Before I dozed off, I wondered why so many people are willing to just be fed info and not look for themselves.
My calm home was filled with all kinds of people, some attaching things to the ceiling, others dropping off stuff for me to deal with, giving me things that did not work, etc. In other words chaos.
I awoke quite nauseous, and immediately had images of different times in my childhood when adults demonstrated how to think- figure out something. My dad was good at this - thinking out loud so I could see how he was reaching a conclusion or plan of action.
In the dream, I experienced what it was like to have no discernment and only bounce around from one feeling to another. No wonder they are willing to be fed - that kind of chaos would drive you mad.
With the shit-storm fast approaching, I am making sure I'm in as good of shape as I can be.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
h the shit-storm fast approaching, I am making sure I'm in as good of shape as I can be.

Wise words Lady Linda. Thank you.

Yes, I understand what you are saying. One person in my life who is not stupid is frightened of anarchy and the thought that the British government may be lying about Covid threatens his security so much he ignores it.

Others I think, are virtue signalling. So lacking in self worth they gain a sense of acceptance in society from doing what they are told. Do I feel for them? No!

I am struggling to stay awake today, so sleepy. Anyone else feeling the same? Not wanting to have anything to do with people. No wanting to play in the playground now. It is old and finished.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I am struggling to stay awake today, so sleepy. Anyone else feeling the same?
Yup. Definitely.

Not wanting to have anything to do with people. No wanting to play in the playground now. It is old and finished.
In my case that sentence would read something like "Not wanting to deal with things I've put up with from people. No wanting (at all) to play the old games on the playground now. It is old an finished.

This is big change.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Yup. Definitely.
This morning I had a double steam, deep breathing, peppermint and rosemary oil in the steamer. Then a long cold shower, a quick bike ride for organic bananas and....................

back to bed and to sleep.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I'm looking at my bed longingly too just now :))
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I'm looking at my bed longingly too just now
It is an interesting way to live. I am given energy to do what needs to be done, yesterday I made Blueberry and Lime jam. Had to be done because the berries would have rotted otherwise. But it is as if my consciousness is not really here. Either Higher Self is using it elsewhere in the continuum (with Q) or I am switched off for upgrades and repairs.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
In my case that sentence would read something like "Not wanting to deal with things I've put up with from people. No wanting (at all) to play the old games on the playground now. It is old an finished.
Yes - exactly.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
or I am switched off for upgrades and repairs.

yup that's where I am. Done with with is world and (almost) everyone in it. I'm working on a personal reset.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
In November 2007, I was lying in a hammock in Southern Thailand. Not meditating, sober, clear and happy. I was suddenly swamped with an unbelievable energy of utter love. With it came the words "My Lord is coming and nothing else matters"

In the last 13 years, this refrain has helped me through the darkest times. I am not a Christian so I do not necessarily think "My Lord" is Jesus or Christ. More likely an energy frequency. A high energy frequency.

One afternoon in May 2016, shortly after arriving in Dumfries, I had a discussion with people on Transients and the prophecy of Beinsa Douno. As I read about the prophecy, I was again filled the energy of My Lord.

For the last two days, I have been aware of a growing something within me. Last night I sensed that it was excitement. Spiritual excitement. Today I am certain that the My Lord energy is almost upon us ! I can feel it. Only taken 13 years.



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The tension has wound really tight, and it's why we need to have our own inner practice, our own grip on who we are inside as everything in the outer universe goes counter-clockwise, and the kaleidoscope starts shifting wildly. Our own inner magnet, which is our heart/crown chakra connection, grounded to Earth through our tails (tail-bone LOL).It's not so much a zombie apocalypse, as the bifurcation now really apparent and real. Division - 2 realities - pick your side.

There's no-one in the universe of my family I can talk to about it. I have to go to another universe for that.

Keep well, keep happy, keep strong. Love you guys.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The gas station I've been going to for years was robbed a couple of days ago. I went by to check on them today because we know each other. As I left, I thought about my gestures. I said just give robbers what they want because they are crazy and there's no telling what they will do. As I said that I had my hand over my head moving back and forth. As I left, I put my palms together and said be safe, and the young man did the same with a big smile on his face. (They are Pakistani.) I did it instinctively with no forethought. The hands over my head were indicating the robbers had no connection to Source/God, and my hands together in prayer position were in blessing to the young man. I'm always surprising myself. I may have surprised him, too.
Not telling you anything you don't already know, but there is a oneness in humanity that transcends race differences. The glow from the home hearth is the same.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Watching a nature program - guys take their boat into a water spout and film it (all ok). His description - wait for it -

sensory overload, brain cannot process anything, all you feel is joy

maybe this is a clue because a water spout is a vortex.
Courage to be where the mind can no longer think is courage indeed.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Interesting 7 days for me. I feel as though I've processed a series of emotions in a compressed time period that people are beginning to go though regarding the election drama.

Here is the interesting part - today's morning dream was about being in an old, dark place with people saying we had to be this way or that way. I just gave them my "valium smile" and moved on. I knew I was not staying. When I woke up, I felt like (and still do) I was in a new and happier place. Also, I saw that KP had a similar post on his site.

**valium smile - a pleasant smile with no attached emotion. In some cases, a slight nod may be added. It is used in circumstances in which you wish to pass through and not interact.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Interesting 7 days for me. I feel as though I've processed a series of emotions in a compressed time period that people are beginning to go though regarding the election drama.

Here is the interesting part - today's morning dream was about being in an old, dark place with people saying we had to be this way or that way. I just gave them my "valium smile" and moved on. I knew I was not staying. When I woke up, I felt like (and still do) I was in a new and happier place. Also, I saw that KP had a similar post on his site.

**valium smile - a pleasant smile with no attached emotion. In some cases, a slight nod may be added. It is used in circumstances in which you wish to pass through and not interact.
Linda, valium smile is probably a compassionate way of side-stepping those drugged on drama.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
How do you recognize Methodists in Heaven? They are the ones carrying a casserole.

I was musing about my feelings today - loose ends, dizzy, floaty. Then this joke came to me. It pretty well sums it up - I'm standing here with my casserole and wondering when the party starts.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
How do you recognize Methodists in Heaven? They are the ones carrying a casserole.

I was musing about my feelings today - loose ends, dizzy, floaty. Then this joke came to me. It pretty well sums it up - I'm standing here with my casserole and wondering when the party starts.
Texas beans?
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