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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Aries new moon5.jpg

The Annular “ring of fire “ solar eclipse in Libra will be on the 3rd Oct in Aust and NZ and late night on the 2nd in some places , early evening in others .
Technically we might see it in Aust although it will be an hour earlier in real time in some places in Aust due to DLS. (I do wish Govs wouldnt mess with time!)
An annular eclipse is very similar to a total eclipse only its far out in space which is what Apogee Moon means.

Thats why there will be a ring of light around it for those who can view it.

This is not just a usual eclipse as its part of a set that began late last year. It will trigger the Total Solar eclipse from Aprils 2024, very much so , the one that happened at 19 degrees 24 Aries in a month with other effects of amazing proportions happened including the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction two weeks later near the Scorpio Full Moon.
This is what I wrote back then before that Eclipse about the effect of the Jupiter /Uranus conjunction .

" There will be two weeks after the total eclipse a major aspect of Jupiter and Uranus which hasn’t happened for 83 years or so, in 1941 in fact .
Now prepare yourselves before you read on as I must admit I was shocked to find this coincided with the beginning of WW2 as a devastating raid on London took place on the night of 10/11 May 1941 from Germany. The moon was full and the Thames had a very low ebb tide at that time.
After that the Germans, moved east to attack the Soviet Union, to produce one of the most devastating raids on the capital. I wont go into great detail but USA was involved in the war later after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, when USA declared war on Japan. Then Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S.
So basically there was a full on WW that arose from that conjunction and I had seen the Full Moon mentioned was in Scorpio. Oddly enough the Full Moon with the conjunction happened just after this time too in Scorpio .
Does this mean the same could happen again, I doubt it but something fairly dramatic could bring back memories of the same".

That war changed the world for years to come and I do believe still that the world will experience SOMETHING really unusual this year even moreso than anything that has already happened since 2020.
Only it will be much more of a positive but really make us question all that we ever believed to be our reality..
Since April a ww3 has been threatening but this time the right people will prevent this from happening, there is no doubt with focus on “the right people” as it cant be just one who manages this.

Another fact was with ww 2 there WAS ALSO an Aries eclipse(not total) in April the month before that conjunction of Uranus/Jupiter in Taurus.
One could interpret that aspect as something that shocks people out of complacency and comfort zones like lightning bolt on our sense. (Taurus). Something that brings a need for unity of people and thinking way outside the box where behind the scenes there was some very strange technology developing that we still do not know the source of...(although some of us do.)

I wonder what astrologers were predicting then and if any knew what was coming.

We don’t know what is coming as Eclipses are of the nature of the unknown and we can only go by other signs and aspects to say what could happen.

All that was predicted didn’t happen right away with our APRIL eclipse but began to when various bodies triggered the eclipse degree AFTER the event including Mars and we saw a leader fall from power when the Blue Moon happened in July, right on the last of those blue moons in fact in the Gov sign of Capricorn.

Chiron was involved in that April eclipse degree and I have see so much pain since then and so much spiritual growth in many people, also the suffering that Chiron himself went through of unbelievable proportions in some cases. Im still seeing it.
I do believe that people who had that degree of 19 Aries/ libra in their birth chart patterns have had some amazing rebirth experiences since then and had a lot triggered of major destiny changes. These eclipses can set of YOD patterns and others.

I also believe that due to Mercury Rx at the time of that April eclipse a lot was delayed that related to politics, and world events that are still unfolding, and I have still not seen the full effect of that Jupiter Uranus conjunction which is probably connected to a Full Moon more than a New Moon and it is the Oct Full Moon on the 18th Oct two weeks after this coming annual solar eclipse that I believe will bring a lot to fruition of what was promised in April, although even the following Full Moon in Taurus mid Nov when SATURN goes direct is close to the degree that Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in.

Wars are one thing but I do think there is something very different than that coming as I am very aware of the solar systems move higher towards the galactic centre that is changing everything , moreso every day, and is part of our rise in consciousness which is causing so many unusual happenings around us constantly.

I am not joking when I say for myself I did expect the ETS to make themselves known this year and you may laugh but its only a matter of time now.
Since 2020 we have been in a state of shock as a new system is forced upon us that most of us do not want . And if the majority of people do not want something as they know how wrong it feels, then there has to be a chain reaction to reverse that collectively.
When natural ways are taken from us we react but we also wake up in ways we never have before and our higher self brings an expansion of our spirit within this 3 dimensional body and that in itself is enough of a shock to the system.

Feelings of overwhelm develop as our own “brain” hard drive feels like its on overload, and yet it also expands in its capacity to process new data, some of which has been hidden in our neurological circuits for some time now , perhaps even from birth
This set of Aries/Libra eclipses lasts until March 2025.

Aries is new beginnings and new independent leadership and Libra is the politics that goes with it and hopefully the balance that comes out of it.

The Pisces/Libra set intercept with a purpose of healing and health , bringing in a more multidimensional awareness and helping us balance our left right brains with the new light rays coming more strongly every day.

This eclipse in two days is part of the changes and also part of the unexpected, and of course Libran and Arian “type" people will feel it most including those with those Ascending signs or MC or IC , or Moon in the signs but these are truly global for all of the reasons given and more.
USA saw the total eclipse so basically USA and their leadership is being eclipsed. End of story but it is an amazing story , already written.

Today the Sun is conjunct Mercury in Libra at 8 47 degrees . No wonder I am writing so prolifically, that’s where my Neptune is in my 10th house.
Pallas is with Kaali, bringing a chance to discuss with ones own self or others the power of the spirit within to either destroy or create and to try and find a way to make this power work for us and the planet in positive and uplifting ways even if it requires some radical casting out of negativity because in the times we live in negativity just delays progress.

The saros series which I generally don’t pay too much attention to due to the eclipse season itself speaking volumes, is one of a series to be cautious with our physical actions and bodies – health and not to OVERDO things.

Many of us have deep sorrow to release and it clouds our thinking far too much.
This is of course the new beginning for Librans of the year and also a new beginning in relationships for Aries. (or how you relate )

On the day of the eclipse there are 6 bodies/points in Libra , 3 in Aries including Eris, Chiron and North node.
Libra’s purpose of regaining balance is strong at this time. The south node tells us that despite the highly karmic patterns being triggered, we need to find the peaceful place within self and try our best to see the other persons viewpoint, even though we need to care for self first and foremost.
Juno in Libra is telling us to be more open about past patterns and deal with them or we cannot make peace with ourselves on any level.

As we can deal with all the PTSD that is being triggered so readily for all of us this year. That’s all karma too and its time to let it go even though at times it seems impossible.
We can let it go by accepting what caused it and being very gentle with ourselves. We have it within us to parent our own inner child in ways we know is right for us as no one knows self better that our own higher self that we now have more access to than ever before.

Trust in that.

The New Moon in Libra part of the eclipse is the best time to plan and make decisions that require the cooperation of others as others are more likely to be in agreeance than usual.
Its good for joint projects, signing contracts and getting everyone on the same page and towards the Crescent Moon..
The fact this is an eclipse means things could be taken out of our hands and those who were resisting before will be more willing to agree with us or want to make peace in unexpected ways.

Remember this is a time of the unexpected and that includes weather, possible accidents as Mars is squaring the eclipse with a 5 degree orb , so there is a little proneness to accidents for Aries and Librans, maybe Cancerians too.

Stomach issues could arise, lower back aches, kidneys needs care, bumps on the head, headaches for some , blood pressure could fluctuate due to the Aries affect and Mars at an angle .

A reaction from Capricorn on the other angle could bring aches in the joints- knees etc but this too will pass !

This Eclipse is the last solar eclipse and is the most "political" before the USA elections so something will develop that is a real turning point and perhaps more obviously reveal what is to come.

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