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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
sag susan1.jpg

I am really happy to announce that today the Sun has moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius as its all been a bit tense for me in this last month, not to mention the world situation which has had far too much going on behind closed doors.

At least everything is coming out into the open now with the Sag effect coming and Pluto into Aquarius, Mars into Leo which is like a foghorn in itself!

And Sag also likes blurting out the facts and the truths that come from various sources and beliefs. At least we all know where we stand by now or so it seems.

The Sun has entered Sagittarius at almost 7 am where I am living in Australia on the Eastern coast so that was 9AM in New Zealand . Its mostly the day before date wise in USA and Canada and various other parts of the world, most of Europe too.

The Sun will shine his light on Sagittarians for the coming month most of which are enjoying the Gemini energy that comes from their ruler in Gemini for the year, although the dual influence has been a bit hectic for some archers I am sure.

One thing I have noticed about Sagittarians in general is that that have had a lot to say or write this year although Saturn has put a damper on some of their efforts. Some have had health issues mostly if born between about 2nd Dec to 12th. But on the other hand they have learnt patience and how to manage their lives or work areas better in that time,, probably something about budgeting too.
But then haven’t we all.

The Sagittarian New Moon on the 1st Dec will be the new beginning of the year for these outgoing, outspoken people, when they can plan and make decisions , begin carrying out the same towards the Crescent Moon 4 days later. I will tell you more about the New Moon chart at the time, but today there is a Sun sextile to Pluto aspect at 0 degrees so that is kind of validating to us all and especially to Sagittarians for the month ahead, tells us all to use our power wisely and keep digging deep for answers rather than accept without question what we are told by Jupiter in Gemini that tells many different stories to different people and plays havoc on the popular media channels, mostly TV.,

Some powers that be do have the ability to manipulate beliefs using these most common tools of newspapers and television.
If its written, it has to be true, same if we hear it on "the news".

But Sagittarius has a motivating , uplifting , very direct energy , and truths, if for real will shoot straight to our hearts so there is a bit of a hair trigger affect possible in this quite chaotic time which we hope doesn't affect certain world powers that little bit too much.
Sagittarius is where the Total solar eclipse happened last( before the April total eclipse) in 2021 when T r u m p fell .

A war may well be brewing at this time being inflamed by overly zealous world leaders to counteract who knows what, and powered by Mars in Leo. Lets hope when he goes retrogrades on the 6th Dec that it will bring a defusing of this rather than an escalation.

We don’t know quite which direction Mars will be heading in his behind the scenes activities but Id like to think this will be a positive for us all and turn the world around towards peace.

Looking ahead from that point in Dec 6th when the Mars Rx happens, there is an opposition of Sun/Jupiter on the day after, when Neptune goes direct so I think this means a changing of positions of important people as if someone takes over from the other, with Neptune bringing peace in his forward motion.

This is just hope on my part as we do not know what Mars is up to mainly due to Mercury also being backwards. At least there is nothing OOB at that time.

There could be a few surprises around the Full Moon period mid month (15th Dec) in Gemini, with Perigee happening two days beforehand a Sun quincunx Uranus the day after, plus Mercury direct as that should bring a wealth of new information from the Rx period for us to ponder over and hopefully feel grateful for..

So to sum up, the month ahead doesn’t look all that war–like except we know the wheels have already been set in motion and Mars when backwards will be going over some old ground quite definitely doing a big clean up, and he always has his own army behind him to help.

Otherwise Happy Sagittarian month people, and lets enjoy the adventure of it all!

Art by Susan Boulet
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