Article Safe Sailing Bernie: A Farewell to Unspun, The Happy Wonderer & Sheik Zagaya (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Some of you may remember him. For many years, every morning a series of links were rolled up together, then unspun to Bernie’s email subscribers.

I was one of many who read through the important information, including alternative and main stream news. For about a decade we kept in touch over email, building upon an online friendship.

On Monday at the age of 76, Bernie set sail for a faraway land, one that we will all eventually cross over to.

unspun bernie.jpg

In June, 2016, Bernie traveled from Tasmania to Melbourne where the best cardiac surgeon in Australia operated on him, performing a triple heart bypass. Not long before, he had experienced a major heart attack. Before the surgery he was told he only had a 30% chance of survival.

Here on transients I organised a group healing session for him to assist with the operation.

After the surgery he was told he had died on the table. In September that year Bernie shared a near death experience he had during that operation in this article here on, Just An Ordinary, Everyday, Near Death Experience.

With the exception of having died, the surgery went well. After that healing session Bernie told me that one of his friends was meditating around the same time and that he said he saw a couple dozen souls surrounding Bernie, providing healing and support. Based on feedback from those participating in our healing session, we concluded that we made a very positive difference with his operation and recovery.

From his 2016 NDE article: “I am 71. I spent most of my life at sea and earned the handle ‘Captain’, before morphing into a single Dad for my daughter. I re-married after she graduated from university. Religion? I was brought up in a Protestant (C of E) family, and school, but in my mid-teens I discovered Buddhism. To me, it just ‘clicked’, and I never looked back. I am not a ‘practicing Buddhist’ but my life philosophy is definitely Buddhist based.”

Unspun started to reach more people after Bernie accepted by suggestions of posting his newsletters on transients. For a number of years we worked together to make that happen. I taught him how to do his own posts until he started to need help because of memory loss from the heart attack.

Bernie had a good take on what was going on in the world from studying a combination of main stream and alternative news. He would occasionally share theories and conclusions with friends he’d made, and through articles he wrote which I submitted on transients over the years.

In the final article he wrote, The Most Subtle Slavery Of All, in December, 2018, he started off with saying, “Physical events always follow emotional intents. The e-motion creates an energetic field favorable to the manifestation of the intent.”

bernie unspun emotional slavery.jpg

It was focused around emotional slavery, in my opinion this is something going on in quite a serious way today.

While Bernie departed the shores on Monday, on Friday he became permanently unconscious. I wasn’t aware of his state of health at the time, even though we had last talked in June over email. Friday evening I launched a new online community, which I had only just decided the name of. It’s called the Lighthouse at the Oasis.

I deal with death on a regular basis. I’ve been conducting hypnotherapy based past life regression sessions for about a decade. I experience death with every client including what they go through on the other side.

I know Bernie found his lighthouse.

Bernie was also known as The Happy Wonderer, a contributing writer for my site here, He preferred to be anonymous. You can find all of the articles he wrote under this author link here.

Within Unspun, he sometimes included a quote from Sheik Zagaya. That was his pseudonym. He once told me, “{it} was a quirk of my ‘humour’ — ‘zagaya’ is an African dialect word that means ’spear’ in English”.

Below is a Buddhist prayer from The Tibetan Book of the Dead. There’s a common misconception that this book is read aloud to people as they are dying, but Buddhists read it throughout their lives to prepare for what occurs after death.

Through your blessing, grace, and guidance, through the power of the light that streams from you:
May all my negative karma, destructive emotions, obscurations, and blockages be purified and removed,
May I know myself forgiven for all the harm I may have thought and done,
May I accomplish this profound practice of phowa, and die a good and peaceful death,
And through the triumph of my death, may I be able to benefit all other beings, living or dead.”​

Bernie’s daughter will be scattering his ashes at sea, as per his wishes.

Bernie talked about death with me, but was protective of his beliefs and understandings. He once mentioned a place on the other side, one where I could find him.

In a 2019 edition of Unspun he said this, “…and remember, for down-the-track there’s a planet near Alpha Centauri... there’s a cliff on that planet, overlooking the sea. On the cliff is a fantastic little pub—it’s called Ye Mariners’ Rest. I’ll be at the bar—and I’ll see yous all there!”

I’ll see you there Bernie.

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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Dear Bernie we all missed him on Unspun.
Happy sailings Bernie, and happy reuniting in the pub on the cliff with all who knew you. Cheers


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Oh Bernie, I can see you there now. Keep some tequila for me.
Godspeed, fellow traveler.
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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Dear Bernie, many grateful memories reading Unspun in years past. Thank you for the effort you put in to that newsletter. A beautiful journey to you, a blessed rest at the bar, and may your way be filled with the light of love.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Bernie passed on August 2, 3 years ago. We haven't forgotten you Bernie.

I was talking with a friend of his and she sent me a photo, bringing back memories of him and Unspin.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I changed computers, bought a modern one called ATACMS. but somehow in the changeover, I forgot to sign in to Transients.

But here I am now.

Listening to Clif High yesterday, who has become a mainstay of information in my life, I am concerned about him. His wife has fallen seriously ill and is requiring care in a nursing home.

Please send Clif healing too. He sounds fractured.

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