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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Virgo mars and venus in Virgo .png

Post Pisces eclipse has brought a degree of solace in my life at least having survived the exact hit to my IC which I felt as it happens on the leadup mainly.
No bolt of lightning struck my actual home and one major breakthrough was I began art again as have not had the energy or leaning towards painting since Saturn began to touch on my Sun and personal planets in 2023.

Because Mars has been OOB , just coming out of the same, there has been an edge and now Mars moves into my 7th house and over my Mars and Saturn in the next week but his conjunctions may be positives and empower me for battle if needs be.

I do believe the same thing is happening for a certain politician prominent in the world news with his 3 planets in Cancer. Life is getting busy for him and more dangerous in a family and personal sense.

And for USA herself as she is Cancerian with 4 bodies in that sign including the Sun and Jupiter.

My Mars is actually on the USA Sun I just noticed and my Saturn at a midpoint of USA Mercury and Sun. No wonder I feel such interest in proceedings but I know the outcome will affect our whole world especially in areas of the economy and wars . Everything, everywhere will change in an instance due to the a new leader coming in.

I do not do mundane astrology but one cant help but take an interest at times like this when a New Age is forming.

Of course there is globally a hope for a huge review of the new U N global agenda 21/30 causing the division in our community lives, so much less people contact in companies and Gov departments pertaining to our every day security and "people" interaction. There are new levels of agism coming in - messed up medical systems, lack of care for the ill and dying, and a lot more as these so called "beneficial" changes come in for the good of mankind. ( I can only observe the effect of this in NZ and Aust personally.)
Its important to know that astrologically we are entering the most vulnerable period with the Libra eclipse 2nd Oct in USA , 3rd here then the Full Moon in Aries 16th for USA , both triggering the effects of the original total solar eclipse , the first being on USAs MC and the next being on USA’s Chiron.(Ouch)

There is an event due – something major to happen in Oct maybe mid month Oct near the ARIES Full Moon the 17th/18th depending which country we are in. These eclipses are carrying us into a place “beyond which there may be dragons”.
In my assessment of the comparison of the two main players in the Presidential race (which I may decide to share on here at some stage) with the USA chart I noted some interesting facts and one is that Mars will go Rx in Leo on the 6th Dec until February that seems to throw an unexpected spanner in the works and it could well be due to a major event not political that happens to distract attention for the entire world for a period of time so it might have something to do with whatever happens in Oct , or even Nov as there is another period then that is powerfully volatile.

Then when Mars decides to backtrack 6th Dec something will be put on hold or be worked on behind the scenes , in a sign representing world leaders, as MARS is the ruler of that original total solar eclipse that promised to see a leader fall and a new one come in and a whole new system of leadership promised by both Chinese and Western Astrology systems.

There is a brand new energy coming in as the old gets burnt out by the fiery year of the Dragon and Arian focus which is such is a big player in the world situation and outcome.

Three dates stand out as pointers in the months ahead , one is 9th Oct then 11th when two planets change direction, one backwards and one forwards. Station points of planets are so important and in this case, the “Lord giveth and the lord taketh away.”

PLUS the eclipses, these station points make Oct a key time in the years major political events. And for all of us globally as well.
Then mid Nov Saturn goes direct and the Taurus Full Moon happens near the degree of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that happens in the month of the Aries total solar eclipse. (wheels within wheels) .

At this SAME TIME time we will be right in the energy of Sun opposing URANUS. Now if that is not a pointer I don’t know what is to something more that ias dramatic and sudden .

The Key to it all is Aprils 2024's events and aspects . Clues are Taurus energies plus the meaning of the Jupiter/Uranus aspect AFTER the eclipse also possibly including Venus crossing the eclipse degree at the same time which I did relate to a female coming into focus on the world scene.

And the Mars trigger of the eclipse later in May with a powerful male back on the scene.

The unusual is amongst this- the unexpected coming to shock us out of complacency which I have been expecting since APRIL. It is in fact like a bolt from the blue hitting us but it is also strangely grounding for some at least.

In the meantime catching up in the NOW , yesterdays opposition from Sun to Neptune was a little cloudy and confusing to this Piscean . The Mars opposition to the gentle caring Ceres even more so and quite dominating and aggressive I found, plus the suddenness of it shown by Mercury quincunx Uranus but still something to work with to sooth ruffled feathers

Today has Venus in quincunx to Neptune so feelings although attuned to spirit , are sensitive .
Saturns quincunx to Juno is stirring up old family stuff for a few people I am sure , the old “authority” issues from parental or patriarchal domination, as karma prods our old patterns.

The best aspect of the day is Sun trine to Pluto adding depth of perception and the courage to dig it all out and look at it, understand whats happening in self and others too, hopefully.
This aspect is positive for Scorpios if you have had any worries as it shows you have the power to overcome what is threatening you as do Virgos and Capricorns too, Leos of course although don’t they always?

This positive aspect happens at the Anaretic degrees of 29 Capricorn and Virgo, highly symbolic as so many of us have that major sense of urgency to accomplish something that needs attention, just to get on with it and get it all done and out of the way.

This is also the way of the world just now, a sense of great anticipation about something major that will affect the masses. Pluto is always about the masses and the power behind us or in us.

Tomorrow our glorious life giving Sun enters Libra to shine light on these very sociable, clever, mostly peace loving people who try to form a middle path for others and love to talk things over, but often taking the side of opposite just to “balance the scales” but also causing a rift or arguments in the process which in turn often surprises them so they get thrown off balance.

Many politicians have a strong Libran streak in their birth charts but dont always make good leaders as they procrastinate far too much.
But again I digress.

Librans , enjoy your time in the sun in the next month and prepare for some fun and games world wide as well . We depend on you to keep the peace as much as you can and to keep everyone's scales balanced including your own. ( and the Dragons) .

Tomorrow just to keep things interesting Venus will enter the deep and intensely passionate Scorpio speaking of “beyond this place there be dragons”.

As Libra is ruled by Venus this means that even they may have some very strong opinions about things and much more actual passion than may be good for them . It could be an intensely romantic time for some of them. Both Taureans and Librans will feel things deeply during the 3 weeks ahead and Scorpios of course will also have the chance of romance and plenty of attention and gifts.

I'm thinking no one could “make this stuff up” as Venus will square Pluto tomorrow as well .

There is a story of “forbidden love” here somewhere , intrigue and secrets of the deepest , darkest kind.
But will we hear about them “ maybe not at this time – maybe later
Something is brewing Id say from tomorrow onward .

Above and beyond all of the above Aust and NZ will experience the Spring equinox so HAPPY SPRING EQUINOX PEOPLE as tender new life emerges and some of us feel the vulnerability of that, as well as the hope and the gratitude.

And Happy Autumn Equinox to the North which is a time of reaping rewards for what has been sown earlier in the year as well as gratitude for what has been received, and preparation for the changing season.

Its time for rituals all round to honor this changing of the seasons, and for us all and to restore the balance within...
unknown artist
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