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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
fire susan boulet.jpg

There is no doubt there is karma afoot and a little violence as well, some having been caused by Mars squaring Neptune on the New Moon which brings out feelings of betrayal and also has explosive qualities.
We heard of shootings and many accidents in the last days.

After the New Moon 4 days ago Venus was with the South Node in 6 39 Libra, the Dragons tail acting a bit like a Scorpion bite.

Yesterday a lot of people got bitten which was interesting as Venus by then was with Juno and she has a bite from the past , bringing up old painful insecurities and PTSD from our family imprints, this time around 9 degrees Libra which is near enough to my Neptune to have a effect. I saw a lot of triggers yesterday where old “stuff” was involved as to knee jerk reactions and hurt feelings resulting, for friends and family.

I'd felt that way for the last few days ! AND it was an Apogee Moon yesterday, far from the Earth but having the same effect to large degrees as to a Perigee, or even Full Moon.
Yesterday feelings were tender for many of us.

Today I was bitten by two large carpenter ants on my left arm 2 hours apart. I have no idea where they came from or how they got onto my arm. Lucky they are not deadly like our Bull Ants.
I see nature as a messenger in a Shamanic sense and a bite is a warning of stings around in a people sense. This is reminding me to pay attention and live in the now, also to pay attention to needing support and teamwork and to keep building onto what I begun.

I heard a lot of stories yesterday involving hard karma with people so the effect of “reality bites” is also strong.

The relevant Sabian symbol for Venus/South node is “A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks” showing a sense of danger around and to be diligent. This reminds me of all this “newness” around us the universe is bestowing upon us to get used to, so we can hone our survival skills and think for ourselves , so being constantly kept on our toes by old and more importantly, new dangers around us we don’t even know exist until they are in our face. This is about certain “seasons” of life also.

So protection of self and others in our care is crucial as there is a primitive influence with this symbol about things being instinctual and sometimes we have to trust that.

This nodal degree could even be triggered again by other planets or the Sun in fact as it sticks around for a while and Eclipse season is coming.

This morning after the Apogee Moon there was a rare 4. 5 or so Earthquake, a series that began a month ago in a town near here which had damage at the time. They have never happened there before. Aust doesnt have many EQs.

Today Mercury 27 degrees Leo is squaring Uranus in Taurus . This 27 degree mark will send a ripple effect around the zodiac so anyone with planets or Sun , point, angles at this degree could be in for some surprise news or lightbulb moments. Its sextile and quincunx my Jupiter. Im hoping that’s a lucky thing and at least it gives me room to move and find solutions to a sensitive/difficult situation I am in.

Tomorrow our Sun moves to an opposition to Saturn at 16 degrees Virgo/Pisces which could bring disappointment to some – sacrifice for others, some fear perhaps, and also a need to regain control of security zones at any cost. And its all about authorities as well.

We may need more courage than usual to face certain situations which many of us will find as Pallas moves to Sagittarius and becomes one of the bravest versions of her spiritual warrioress self, enthusing us all to fight the good fight but not with violence or weapons.
Words in fact are the best weapon there is being “more powerful than the sword.” Lets be careful how we use them.

Capricorns, Pisces, Virgos, Leos, might find themselves in a stuck place for a while any time now and sad too.

Stay strong people! Help is on the way .

This one is about my Mercury in Pisces at that very degree.
I'm feeling it now.

Mercury quincunx to Neptune should help with workable solutions, and the signs involved would be Pisces, Leos, Geminis and Virgos, moreso than most others but as with all aspects we can use them if our psyches WANT or need to tap into them.

The main reason I began this article was to mention that for two days now, Mars is in Cancer which can be both positive and negative as he tends to get grumpy in this sign and lets his emotions rules his better judgement. He's not so good at all the caring and nurturing stuff and tends to rebel and become defensive.

I saw many examples of this as I have an out of bounds Mars myself but I'm reined in as it happens, being aware of how sensitive Mars in Cancer can be, having that placement myself.

For the 6 weeks ahead our focus and energy will go generally more to family security and loved ones and our feelings could be more than usually sensitive, so we are easily hurt by CUTTING remarks.

Lets do our best not to indulge in that but to be extra kind to each
other .

No wonder I am getting bitten by ants!

Art by Susan Boulet
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