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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

light entering 2.jpg

People love to send me Lions Gates blessings not realising it is not something I believe in or was taught or that turns up in ANY old astrology books and the astrology I do does indeed come from the Ancient Masters.

However many people are celebrating the Lions Gate portal today which is the 8th Aug for some reason although the 9th here on my side of the world.

Although Lions Gate was never mentioned in the ancient or very old astrology Books, and I have seen a few, according to Egyptian cosmology, the Lion’s Gate was the dawn of a new year and a period where they set new resolutions for the future. Ancient Egyptians revered the star Sirius (brightest star) so most of their ceremonies and lifestyle involved this star believing it was the gateway to heaven and wisdom. Apparently this is when the Lion’s Gate opening began as it was during the Suns transit of the constellation of Leo.
It is said that in those times Sirius was strong and brightest in the sky..(im wondering about the precession of the equinoxes as I write this).

"They" apparently thought a portal opened when Sun in Leo, Earth and Sirius move into complete alignment with the pyramids of Giza.

Then there is Hinduism where Sirius (The dog star) is known as Svana, the dog of King Yudhisthira, who was ready to forsake heaven for his loyal dog but was eventually allowed into heaven considering his sacrifice for Svana.

The star as per Hinduism also symbolises right conduct and knowledge.

I myself believe Sirius is where we originated and if this Sun, Earth, Sirius apparent connection works for any of you then well and good.
Sirius is in fact 14 degrees Cancer now or 20ish sidereal.

My OOB Mars is 14 Cancer.

My dream of Sirians landing on earth was vivid a few years back and I saw Golden beings with even a Golden dog . I know when we are ready they will return as in my dream we (the population of a certain area) were waiting amongst high buildings near a park for them to land, with great awe and anticipation and suddenly we were amongst them where we were allowed to move between them and touch them. Their skin glowed Golden, most of their skin being uncovered although there were specific markings or adornments for want of a better word that I could see , even on the Golden Dog.

I do believe humans first originated from there, were brought here by these enlightened beings.

So I am quite passionate about things relating to Sirius in any form but cant be passionate about the Lions Gate portal experience .

There is much more to be passionate about astrologically in these times that is happening in front of our eyes and on other levels of being that I write about often as we enter an amazing New Age.

We ARE in weird times and we have new portals opening all around us , We just need to see them with our inner eyes is all.

In the meantime today is an APOGEE moon and there were two Magnitude 7 EQS in a row in Japan in the last 24 hours and other smaller EQS around the same period I heard of.

We are still being flooded with solar flares several a day. There were two X flares, big ones 2 – 3 days ago in one day.

Many people are feeling anxious and strange , I know I was yesterday nd these earth facing flares can cause all manner of effects as well as causing media and electricity outages.

Today on the Apogee Moon which does act a little like a Full Moon when it comes to EQs and emotional people effects, we enter the Crescent Moon phase, the first after the new beginning NEW Moon so this is the time to begin collecting information, make new contacts and learn more about the projects we are ready to begin, that we made the plans and decisions about during the last days .

Keywords are: Activation; Striving; Future

Tomorrow Juno moves to Libra to help us iron out relationship factors from the past and find ways to bridge gaps that divide us in close relationships, especially if it involves old traumas or patterns we cant lift ourselves out of.

Librans should benefit from this although it could sting a bit at times if tender places are touched on.

Juno is very good at helping to sort out oppressive or abusive relationships.
She will do her bit for politics too with debates and resolutions , finding a middle way, finding balance even if it brings out a bit of strife and means having to confront the past before moving on to a better system.
The Aries/Libran eclipses are still helping sort that out.

The Sun quincunxes Saturn tomorrow at 18 degrees Leo and Pisces to hold us accountable for the above, but also help us work with available resources to help us negotiate any conflicting rules or law between various systems.

This could be the way on a global scale between leaders as well.

Portals come and go but we have the means to create our own portals any time we want, as our spirit, our inner light of creativity is stronger than planets and stars.

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