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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

Today Mercury is conjunct the Great Attractor and tomorrow Venus will do the same.

The Great attractor is the massive galactic anomaly coming to us from the general direction of Centaurus, through the sign of Sagittarius. No one really knows much about the Great Attractor but there is no doubt about its dynamism and huge influence. It is not a black hole, lacking the typical event horizon where a black hole engulfs matter. Its has a huge red shift which shows it is retreating from us at enormous velocity. At the same time it exudes an extreme ultraviolet energy coming from the other end of the light spectrum, giving it an appearance of approaching rather than retreating.

The Great Attractor is a huge enigma that draws curiosity and pulls us into its thrall. Be warned that when the G.A. is in force there is a danger of fixating on a particular belief system, spiritual truth, understanding or philosophy. It is up to us to exercise our freewill in deciding what to believe and follow up on, who to believe, and whom and what is step right away from.

With Mercury involved some of us may be pondering on a belief system or something new that we are attracted to but wondering about its authenticity, but we will be extremely curious all the same. Sometimes we have to use discernment or we could get pulled into to something that takes us over, but for some this might be the right time to take a chance and jump into a void.

This phenomena of the GA can bring some very charismatic people into our aura. It can be a chance to learn something new and exciting which could change us forever.

This happens at 15 degrees Sagittarius so anyone with planets or points around this degree will feel it most in the coming few days.

Today Geminis and Virgos will definitely feel it …And many others too, whichever sign you are.
Tomorrow it will be more Librans and Taureans or that "type" of person.

As Venus conjuncts the GA tomorrow we could get more involved emotionally in anything we have been pondering on or tuning into, or anyone for that matter.

I would think the repercussions or results of whatever this brings for any of us will be felt most towards the 7th Dec when the Sun meets with the GA near the Gemini Full Moon. This could be in a global sense as well as there are certainly some big personalities coming into the public eye at present and many new concepts being bandied around for consideration that have a great effect on the world itself as well as we people.

We have learnt much discernment in the last three years and for the most part human beings are no longer as gullible as they were before, but sometimes the GA does bring something new and wonderful that is definitely a major breakthrough in changing the status quo when it comes to old worn out ideas that have held us captive for far too long..

Tomorrow Mercury is quincunx to Uranus at 15 degrees Taurus, Venus the day after so some surprises are afoot , something new and different to think about for sure and this is also an aspect of sudden attractions or for that matter separation, so it will be interesting to monitor our own experiences to see how they fit in with the GA and its tremendous power over our lives…

Venus quintile to Ceres, Sag to Virgo, will keep the love present no matter what happens and empower our mental abilities and feelings in the right direction.
The crescent Moon phase begins today which is a time for collecting information, making contacts and learning more about any plan or project that we began near the New Moon.

Keywords: Activation; Striving; Future
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