Mercury is now direct..S/he was at station yesterday which is why time appeared to stand still.
I felt as if I was in a time warp in fact, also that some unknown energy level within me went up a notch which is not surprising with all these extra new energy waves reaching us from the Galactic centre, not to mention Solar flares which just keep on coming. In all my years of getting notifications I have not seen so many – no where near, maybe at certain times of the month or year but not between lunations as is happening now.
They often had coincided with a Full Moon especially when Perigee was happening just before and during.
With all that’s happening in the world it has felt like a Full Moon these few days and in fact the Moon is OOB (out of bounds) meaning it does have an extreme effect right now.
Out of bounds means it is out of the Suns control by declination although this does happen quite often with the fast moving Moon.
Mercury is direct at 21 25 Leo. The Sabian Symbol for this is "A carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission” How apt is this!
This means we can now have a clearer sense of purpose and direction , even a sense of some divine guidance. It means the end is in sight and maybe a reward or prize to be won in bringing a message to others or receiving one. Its about good tidingsm good news coming . Also the best time to creating new lines of communication. There is also a warning not to create gossip.
This is especially so for Leos , Virgos and Geminis but for all of us.
The flow of communication will be different and better for the most part, information will turn up that’s been waited for, people will connect again but in different ways.
For myself on the stationary day I met three amazing people which added to the feeling of stepping out of time into a bubble where different life rules apply, very “other dimensional”.
Thank you to the people involved as the feelings of de ja vu were very strong.
There is a liberation in the air that is new and you will note the many announcements being made at this time included a certain M Z of F B that he is sorry for censoring us so much and he even gives the reason why which as it turned out WAS politicla as most of us knew.
Mercury in Rx was a good thing in going over the past mistakes and rectifying them. I wrote that somewhere in one of my posts about Ceres as well as she had been Rx in Capricorn where the patriarchal rules were born and now is direct again while these new .announcements have been made, some concerning world leaders and those who are on their way to be.
Pluto is having the same affect on a much larger scales as he prepares to leave Capricorn for the last time in this cycle in Oct.
We are being liberated people, even if for many of you it doesn’t appear that way .
Today Venus is opposing Neptune in the highly auspicious anaretic degree, Virgo to Pisces, (brings a sense of urgency at times and anxiety for some), and it is said that any aspect of these two planets has spiritual overtones, even the opposition . However for some it could see them feeling a little confused or lacking in boundaries with the chakras not protected enough so take care with this and surround yourselves with an aura of light especially Pisceans, Virgos , Taureans and Librans but use your creativity and best intuition to avoid temptation of the escapist type unless its meditation or music or art , entertainment maybe.
This is good for tuning into the spheres for signs from spirit. I had that effect yesterday and it was a little overwhelming but highly inspiration when I was able to process it all after the event.
Protect yourselves psychically today if you are feeling vulnerable to these very strong changes taking place on all dimensional levels.
Tomorrow Venus will enter Libra where she is very much at home so we can regain our equilibrium once more, especially Librans who can be at their social, romantic and balanced best for the 3 weeks ahead and Taureans can use their creativity again , do their landscaping and re decorating, sort out their relationships as well.
We can all do the same in fact!
Venus will trine Pluto bringing depth of purpose and validation if we need it.
Scorpios can benefit from this one and also Aquarians…
The Sun will trine Ceres who will be pleased for the recognition of being a planet as she wasnt always. This is a beautiful aspect of nurturing, seeking and getting more security in our lives, financially or emotionally, of having our needs met.
Especially so for Virgos, Leos and Capricorns but as the Sun is involved we can all tap into this energy if its something we have lacked lately.
“I am love” is the affirmation to remember always.