Is there a God? A Pleiadian perspective (1 Viewer)

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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
A new series of videos begins, deriving from the FAQs: Frequency Adjustment Questions from Nine's Path and the League of Light. These messages explore some of the most pressing (if back-of-mind) questions for awakening and the awakened, from divinity to extraterrestrial realities. I just realized I wasn't making a video of one of these, but of each of them, so more will be coming.

I recently shared the original written version of this message on the Roundtable as a new article:

I'm putting the video on this board, however, as in substance, it really relates more directly to this topic. Enjoy!

See more FAQs on Nine's Path at


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Thank you I manage that, sometimes


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
June is right. Maryann, you have a real talent for voice-over work. Top-notch professional.
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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Wow, thank you! I've got more of these videos in the pipeline
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Very well done video! I'm glad you didn't add music, music can be distracting from the voice over.

I've read all the Pleiadian material I could find as well as lots of material from other channeled sources and otherwise. IMO the problem isn't just believing there is a god, or religion itself, it's clinging to dogma to the exclusion of all other information, or waiting for an external entity (God) to come save you. Ignoring personal responsibility is simply a bad idea in the long term. This is why I don't partake in the "aliens will come save us all" narrative. IMO they will provide information and tools so we can clean up this world we really screwed up.

A closed mind will never let any better ideas in. As my HS math teacher said "One should be open-minded enough to let good ideas in, but not so open-minded the brain falls out."
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Very well done video! I'm glad you didn't add music, music can be distracting from the voice over.

I've read all the Pleiadian material I could find as well as lots of material from other channeled sources and otherwise. IMO the problem isn't just believing there is a god, or religion itself, it's clinging to dogma to the exclusion of all other information, or waiting for an external entity (God) to come save you. Ignoring personal responsibility is simply a bad idea in the long term. This is why I don't partake in the "aliens will come save us all" narrative. IMO they will provide information and tools so we can clean up this world we really screwed up.

A closed mind will never let any better ideas in. As my HS math teacher said "One should be open-minded enough to let good ideas in, but not so open-minded the brain falls out."
I love that open minded bit, therium, really tickled me:-D
  • I agree
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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
IMO the problem isn't just believing there is a god, or religion itself, it's clinging to dogma to the exclusion of all other information, or waiting for an external entity (God) to come save you. Ignoring personal responsibility is simply a bad idea in the long term.
It creates an interesting fine line of trust.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Yes trust in ourselves imo. We are multi dimensional infinite beings and as such we are creators, but we have forgotten.
We shouldn’t be bowing down to anything, we have great power but the memory has been wiped, the true knowledge hidden.

This matrix is not and easy ride but we are here for a purpose and slowly we are remembering and with a shift looking likely, maybe the memories of who we really are will flood in, our frequencies rise and we can be one with the infinite again..
Just my two pence worth.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Trust in ourselves... and trust in our selves, those aspects of self that are integrating, existing on other levels of a universal continuum, the higher selves that are leading us toward integration!


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
A new series of videos begins, deriving from the FAQs: Frequency Adjustment Questions from Nine's Path and the League of Light. These messages explore some of the most pressing (if back-of-mind) questions for awakening and the awakened, from divinity to extraterrestrial realities. I just realized I wasn't making a video of one of these, but of each of them, so more will be coming.

I recently shared the original written version of this message on the Roundtable as a new article:

I'm putting the video on this board, however, as in substance, it really relates more directly to this topic. Enjoy!

See more FAQs on Nine's Path at
Lila you like this one i am sure
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Lila you like this one i am sure
Yes, this one gets better when I re listen to it as there are so many layers (as is so much of what Maryann posts:-D).

In this one what stands out for me on listening again is that a long past cataclysm of the earth was 'remembered' in history as an event where the earth was no longer to be trusted due to cataclysm of the earth. This would be a massive loss of trust and a sundering from our roots. What may have been forgotten is the part humans and others may have played to result in that cataclysm, ie, if we'd acted more in concert with the earth, history could have taken a very different, gentler course.

If so, we may have come from that loss of great civilization 'blaming' the earth and looking for technology to 'save us' from earth's natural cycles. Certainly, I feel this (blaming natural cycles and looking to tech to save us) attitude all around me many times each day. So often this attitude skips over obvious 'side effects' of such an attitude; like loss of health in ourselves/our environment. The obvious piece that is so often missing is that we can act in concert with the natural cycles of earth, energies, sky etc around us to our great benefit... and that this would be oh-so-much easier and healthier!

As they say, 'history is written by the victors/survivors'. Inherent in that statement is a lot of room for forgetting vital pieces and remembering things inaccurately.

Perhaps it is time to drop that old attitude and try reconnecting with ourselves and our nature?
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Dissolve... dissolution... this is where the fear steps up, because thinking you are "something", you have "something" to lose. Perhaps the process is also "the processor" where the egoic chunks are dissolved to stop blocking the flow. In these "special times" we live in, like other special times in past cycles, it gets easier to process and go through changes. Kudos to the solitary souls who worked this magic when things were dense and the chunks were like massive boulders.
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