QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Via The Aquarius Soul
Full Moon in
12/29 - 12/30.

The Full Moon in Cancer makes a square to Chiron in Aries. Chiron represents our a sacred teacher, our wounds, & our abilities to heal.
This aspect brings powerful collective healings as we feel tension in the places in our lives that need healing. Under this final Full Moon of 2020, Chiron works with the collective consciousness to remind us that we don’t need to prove ourselves to anyone. We no longer have to carry on in states of suffering & emotional turmoil. We can just exists the way we we’re meant to. Call your sacred energy back as you start to see where you have over extended yourself.
Where are you burning yourself out?
What do you give your power away to?
When we start becoming out of balance from giving to much of ourselves, we can start feeling insecure, low self worth and fearful of loss. Therefore, as we surrender our wounds for healing under the light of this Full Moon, we will begin to have awakenings that promise to bring us healing into the start of the New Year.
The Aquarius Soul