Entheogenic Shamanism Ancient Astronauts History (1 Viewer)

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Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
This is a thought provoking hypothesis that unites some of the strange imagery left behind from the ancients....

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I've only watched a part of this video and already give it a two thumbs up rating.
The thing I like the most is the idea of knowledge and healing coming from within us rather than without.
The idea of visitors from outside being responsible for ancient knowledge and then extrapolated into present day saviors has never rung true with me. While I definitely think there were and continue to be visitations of beings from other places, giving them credit for everything seems a bit much.
I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this video.
Thanks, @Lorna.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I've only watched a part of this video and already give it a two thumbs up rating.
The thing I like the most is the idea of knowledge and healing coming from within us rather than without.
The idea of visitors from outside being responsible for ancient knowledge and then extrapolated into present day saviors has never rung true with me. While I definitely think there were and continue to be visitations of beings from other places, giving them credit for everything seems a bit much.
I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this video.
Thanks, @Lorna.
I think that many "visitors from the outside" are a lot more knowledgeable than we are about our own true history and origins. Just like our Spirit Family members, I feel many of our Star Family members are here to help us--by honoring our free will and only helping us along with bits of information when we seek them out. I also agree that they are not our "saviors"...and I also don't feel they are necessarily any "Higher" than us, spiritually, or otherwise. Yes, they may have more knowledge than we do about certain things, they may have more advanced technology--and they may be farther along on a certain path than we are, but all are equal aspects of The Creator. Each is simply experiencing a different aspect of Creation in the service of All That Is.

I think it's also important to remember as well that there are many "outside visitors" who have chosen a path that is not necessarily benevolent. My feeling is that these are in the minority--and that they only have whatever power over us that we allow--either consciously or unconsciously. From my perspective also, they are not necessarily "bad", "dark", or "evil". They have merely chosen a different path and perform a valuable service as catalysts for our spiritual learning and growth. Without them, our growth would not nearly be as accelerated.

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