world economic forum

  1. Laron

    Monkeypox Virus: Nuclear Threat Initiative March 2021 Scenario

    In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) conducted a tabletop exercise (partnered with the Munich Security Conference) on reducing high-consequence biological threats. On page 20 of their report, their details of their scenario surrounding Monkeypox is revealed — it was said to begin...
  2. Pod

    "So they want to rob the pension funds" Piers Corbyn Climate Change, Global Warming, Extinction Rebellion Hoax, Brexit, 5G

    Continuing my investigations into climate change and the hysteria surrounding "Extinction Rebellion" are we really facing the end of the human race in a few years? Here is Piers Corbyn (yes, older brother of Jeremy) who has a a first class degree in Physics from Imperial College and an MSc In...