
  1. Laron

    as freedom is a breakfastfood

    as freedom is a breakfastfood as freedom is a breakfastfood or truth can live with right and wrong or molehills are from mountains made —long enough and just so long will being pay the rent of seem and genius please the talentgang and water most encourage flame as hatracks into peachtrees grow...
  2. Laron

    The tree rustles in the evening, when we stand uneasy before our own childish thoughts...

    laron submitted a new article. The tree rustles in the evening, when we stand uneasy before our own childish thoughts... Hermann Karl Hesse (1877–1962) was a German-born poet, painter, and novelist. His best-known works include Steppenwolf, Demian, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of...
  3. Laron

    Human Family, a Poem by Maya Angelou Reminding Us We Are Family

    laron submitted a new article. Human Family, a Poem by Maya Angelou Reminding Us We Are Family Maya Angelou, 1928–2014, was an American poet, civil rights activist and memoirist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and was credited with a list of...
  4. Laron

    Experiencing The Shift And Finding Your Inner Focus

    laron submitted a new article. Experiencing The Shift And Finding Your Inner Focus Each of us are unique individuals which share a common energetic structure and space who have to follow the same laws of the system we're focused on and existing in, that being the Earth realm, but there are many...
  5. Laron

    Cranky Old Man — A Poem Reminding Us Of Life

    laron submitted a new article. Cranky Old Man — A Poem Reminding Us Of Life Here's a poem to provide a reminder that age brings experience and experiences are somewhat overlooked when reaching later stages of life. This poem was written by Phyllis McCormack with a few changes done by Dave...
  6. Laron

    Beautiful new words to describe obscure emotions |TED Talk

    "John Koenig loves finding words that express our unarticulated feelings -- like "lachesism," the hunger for disaster, and "sonder," the realization that everyone else's lives are as complex and unknowable as our own. Here, he meditates on the meaning we assign to words and how these meanings...
  7. Laron


    “Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune. Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing. From this hour I ordain myself loos’d of limits and imaginary lines.” — Walt Whitman
  8. Laron

    The Interconnectedness of All Things (A poem!)

    This poem was written by Emerson as the epigraph for the 1849 edition of his essay on Nature, which asserts the interconnectedness of all things. A subtle chain of countless rings The next unto the farthest brings; The eye reads omens where it goes, And speaks all languages the rose; And...
  9. Lila


    Burn that evil heretic misfit! Disruptive, force for evil? good? either? Genius, kindred spirit. I woke up with this idea running through my head, and the haiku above is the result. Ben I think you started some churning of my wheels when you started the thread on riddles, lol<3 My timing seems...
  10. Laron

    'Life' — A collection of poems written by Laron in 2015

    Some of you have already seen these, but others have not. I posted these poems of mine on transients.info back in June last year, but felt like sharing them on the Roundtable. Here are a collection of twelve poems which I wrote at various points in time throughout the first half of 2015. While...
  11. K

    The absurd fall of the mother

    The absurd fall of the mother Vast was her love and her kindness Entwined to the father she shined One day two nagas came to speak Of her motherly essence and such For they often came and left To drink of that nectar and give in return Uranian mindset took over A turn and twist was imagined...
  12. K

    All types of Interstellar Errors

    Interstellar Error Type 1 One thousand people said that there was a world A distant one full of wonders and marvels Golden palaces, beautiful princesses and awesome men Extravagant benevolent creatures and tasty fruits Who wouldn't want to go there? One thousand people could not go there though...
  13. Krena

    Who Are You: Part Two

    Autobiography As Art This is a follow-up on Laron's thread that asks you to introduce yourself. Please use this thread as a place to express how you are feeling in an art form, which includes writing, as time passes. This is a place to have fun. You learn more about yourself when you create...