
  1. David Topi

    Article How the Mental Image We Have of Others is Built

    When you explained in the series of articles on the CS that “new” members are recruited to grade 34 if they have “aptitudes” to be part of the tenth circle of the control system, how do members of the CS6 know that there are persons who have the “qualities” to be able to “offer” them to enter...
  2. Laron

    Our Perspectives Change Over Time

    Don't ignore everything you have already come across. Our perspective is not static, it can change; revisiting an idea or concept at another point—or year—in time can bring a completely new understanding, and possibly a eureka moment. If we go through life pushing things aside just because...
  3. Laron

    I stepped in some Crap

    Our approach is everything. Being positive doesn’t’ mean we’re oblivious to the negative. The patterns formed by what we think, say, and perhaps do, mold us. This image is hilarious to some, and laughter is important in our lives, but to others they may take offense. Whatever resonates...
  4. K

    Is the core issue mostly coming from the DNA mix?

    Hello my friends, I want to share some brief thoughts with you about something that I keep seeing very often in many places. I feel that we are not just a soul having a vast set of experiences but also in the context of being an Earth human, if we evaluate more deeply our history, we can find...