
  1. Laron

    Beginner Tarot Decks & What tarot cards do you use?

    Tarot originated from the mid-15th century and is said to have started within card games which were played in courtly circles of Northern Italy, later on used in countries throughout Europe. I think it's important to begin with the traditional cards, so that the energy and essence is not just...
  2. Maryann

    Something Is Missing... Or Is It? Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, June 13

    Maryann submitted a new article Click here to continue reading the entire article.
  3. Maryann

    Maintain Integrity: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, June 7

    Maryann submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on transients.info
  4. Maryann

    A Bold Arrival of Golden Light: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, May 31

    Maryann submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on transients.info
  5. Maryann

    New Adventures in World Affairs: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, May 24

    Maryann submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on transients.info
  6. Maryann

    Higher Understanding: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, May 17

    Maryann submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on transients.info
  7. Maryann

    From Silent Counsel, the Shadows Retreat: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, May 11

    Maryann submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on transients.info
  8. Maryann

    While We're Waiting, a Taste of What's to Come: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, May 3

    submitted a new blog post Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of... Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  9. Maryann

    Point of No Return, Well Taken: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, April 26

    Maryann submitted a new article. Point of No Return, Well Taken: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, April 26 Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: You are poised in this now-moment between the turn of destinies, a point at which utter transformation is required. From the bonds of the...
  10. Maryann

    Rise and Be Counted: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, April 20

    Maryann submitted a new article. Rise and Be Counted: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, April 20 Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: Whatever has come before, realize now that you hold the winning piece, the thing that can turn everything around and shift the game. Pause and...
  11. Maryann

    Pause for Evolution, Prepare: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, April 12

    Maryann submitted a new article. Pause for Evolution, Prepare: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, April 12 Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: The portal is open and evolution beckons. Pause for a moment of remembrance. Feel the light clothe you, equalizing harmonics, and take...
  12. Maryann

    Perfection in the Making: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, April 5

    Maryann submitted a new article. Perfection in the Making: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, April 5 Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: The star we discovered last week becomes the code for this week's endeavors. The latest project is another seed for perfection of the soul's...
  13. Maryann

    Carry the Light of the Star: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, March 29

    Maryann submitted a new article. Carry the Light of the Star: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, March 29 Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: Last week's winding up has become this week's turning point. Shift your gaze higher, and honor the profound moment that is Now to connect...
  14. Maryann

    Core Gathering in Preparation for Truth: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, March 22

    Maryann submitted a new article. Core Gathering in Preparation for Truth: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, March 22 Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: Here we can breathe a little, as an episode of soul growth comes to a state of completion. Gather now with others, share your...
  15. Maryann

    In Love, Sacrifice Is a Temporary State: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, March 15

    Maryann submitted a new article. In Love, Sacrifice Is a Temporary State: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, March 15 Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: Polarity turns disappointment on its head. Loss of weeks past turned into renewed vigor shifts sacrifice into ascendancy...
  16. Maryann

    Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot June 28: Turning Our Eyes to the Prize

    Maryann submitted a new article. Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot June 28: Turning Our Eyes to the Prize Pleiadian Tarot reading for the world and for you, for the week beginning June 28: Turning Our Eyes to the Prize. Oh what times we live in, awakened ones! From the Pleiadians of the League of...