
  1. monterrey

    Is it possible to apply Newton's third law of motion as a dynamic cycle system in a motor device physically in a + positive way?

    Is it possible to apply physically Newton's third law of motion as a dynamic cycle system in a motor device in a + positive way? 3rd Thermodynamic Law Applicate in a Power-Plant Device. The Reaction at From of the Action. New Torque Power. It’s a simple Plus Formula of the Interaction of the...
  2. Laron

    A Tip: Sourcing Art for your Facebook Memes

    This year I started creating my own memes to share on my personal Facebook page. Many of them go viral as I’ve closely followed patterns around what works, what doesn’t, and how they should be displayed. I'm getting better and better at it over time. My most popular image has had 39,000 people...
  3. Laron

    A 2.3 Billion Submarine Superyacht — Migaloo

    Super yachts are becoming more familiar to the public, but here is something a bit different. There are companies looking at building submarine superyacht-style ships. These are ultra-luxury style and can cost over two billion. Such features may be hangers for mini-subs, helipads and pools (a...
  4. R

    State ofthe Art Novel InFlowTech Development 1Gearturbine/RotaryTurbo 2Imploturbocompresssor/OneComp

    State of the Art - Novel InFlow Tech - Featured Project Development; 1-Gearturbine, 2-Imploturbocompressor *Wordpress Blog State of the Art Novel InFlow Gearturbine Imploturbocompressor: *1-GEARTURBINE PROJECT Rotary-Turbo-InFlow Tech...
  5. Laron

    The Roundtable Banner Artwork — Your ideas?

    So it's getting to the time where I am got a lot of configuration done already, and I can think more about a few other things such as getting back to designing the new transients site, and also the logo of the forum. At the moment I am using the logo at the top I quickly put together as a...