
  1. Lila

    Morning contemplate of light

    Since I took a shaman course a few months ago I've gotten into the habit of greeting the sun most mornings as a way to start the day on a contemplative note. Usually I do this in the back where I overlook the garden and enjoy the light, see what the world is up to; listen to birds and check the...
  2. Anaeika

    Beautiful flower

    Look at this beautiful flower, the diphylleia or skeleton flower. When wet, it looks like ice. When dry, it returns to white. It's native to the wooded, cold climate in Japan & China. Isn't Nature astounding?!
  3. Angela

    Seeing with fresh eyes

    For a bit now, I'll catch myself looking at the earth as if i was not from here. Suddenly I'll see the horizon, the sky and clouds, the trees, and see it with fresh eyes. As if i just landed here. The atmosphere so magical that it can create a sunset. The wind blowing just so because of the...
  4. Vickie

    20 ways to use Epsom salt around the house

    Epsom salt is a combination of magnesium and sulfate and can be used in so many ways. Here are 20 ways to use this mineral that will benefit your health and your beauty. Angela Brown Contributing Writer 1. Clean your hair: If your hair is particularly greasy, you can pull excess oils right...
  5. Vickie

    The Not For Sissies Face Mask

    Here's an all-natural face mask that I love and use twice per month. It cleans out your pores and removes dead skin. Your skin takes on a beautiful glow and becomes very soft the first time you use it. It's not for sissies though. ;) It's strong and your face will be very red for a few hours...