adverse reactions

  1. Laron

    Police Report Filed Against NZ Health Minister Andrew Little

    Yesterday in New Zealand, a large group of over 200 gathered in support of Taranaki engineer Brett Power, who filed a report with the Police providing evidence on the Health Minister Andrew Little for manslaughter and other charges with relation to his role in the plandemic. The police...
  2. Laron

    Vaccine Injury: What Tests Should I Order?

    This is a recommended read by the admin of the Health Forum New Zealand FB group, which is a very large group playing a major role in trying to stop the tyranny, but also help people going through adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines as they have so many reports in the group. Article by Gary...
  3. Laron

    Surge in Google Search Trends for "Vaccine Reactions" & "Vaccine Deaths"

    Over a 17 year period of Google search trends, the unprecedented volume of inquiries for "vaccine reactions" and "vaccine deaths" since March 2020 tells you something is seriously wrong:,vaccine%20deaths That large...
  4. Laron

    Israel People's Committee Adverse Reactions Database Report

    Here's a COVID-19 vaccination report from the Israeli People's Committee showcasing the adverse reactions (including death) so far (up until June 8). Of those reported, 13.9% of people have died, 17.2% have had gynecological issues (including miscarriages), 14% with neurological issues, 8.8%...