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  1. Elisekaye

    Exert from my book on twin flame journey

    A blessing, I’ve done so much since I met him. I’ve also faced a lot demons and still am. I understand this is not a romantic connection
  2. Elisekaye

    Exert from my book on twin flame journey

    He is someone who just crops up in my life from time to time. We have never discussed the twin flame thing. He always seems to be there when my life is in turmoil pushing me on to bigger things. The last time he came over i ended up volunteering in an orphange in Nepal. There’s no commitment...
  3. Elisekaye

    Exert from my book on twin flame journey

    Here is an extract from my book depicting my own twin flame journey. I haven’t seen my twin flame since this date but we do speak on the phone and message intermittently. The nickname had for Liam amongst others was ‘Larry let down’. He was an unreliable pain in the arse. But somehow I always...