Event We're Done With the Old and Embrace the New - Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Ceremony (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Hat tip to Pucksterguy for this one.

Many of us enjoy Allison Coe's videos about her QHHT sessions. She got such a large response from the last one, that she felt a call for many people to join together for personal ceremonies to send off the old and embrace the new.

It is a short video and gives you a better idea of the process. Interesting, I had this same conversation with a friend a few hours ago. I believe it definitely is time.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Had a beautiful full moon walk and added (to the 'done' part) to it a nest (that I found at my feet a bit ago when I was having a rough moment) into which we poured the 'flip side of the coin', ie the intentions for what we did want<3
The sky played its own joke and hid the moon behind some weather; we knew you were there anyway, moon!:))


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
One of the things I'm done with is masks.

City, county, and grocery store still require masks. Yesterday, I went to the store without one - did not see anyone else without one - but the staff was nice and polite to me.

Had to go back today - estimate 25% no masks - older/younger, men/women/children, black/white. I was laughing inside and thinking that there is stopping us now. yee-haa
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Done with fatigue and back problems. Embracing vibrant health.

A few hours ago, a friend pops up with a zoom class that is a mix of things that suit me.

And so it goes.....


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
One of the things I'm done with is masks.

City, county, and grocery store still require masks. Yesterday, I went to the store without one - did not see anyone else without one - but the staff was nice and polite to me.

Had to go back today - estimate 25% no masks - older/younger, men/women/children, black/white. I was laughing inside and thinking that there is stopping us now. yee-haa
Sounds like you may have been a bellwether

- a wether or other male sheep that leads the flock, usually bearing a bell.
- a person or thing that assumes the leadership or forefront, as of a profession or industry: Paris is a bellwether of the fashion industry.
- a person or thing that shows the existence or direction of a trend; index.
- a person who leads a mob, mutiny, conspiracy, or the like; ringleader.]

take your pick; a oung male, fashionista, trendsetter or ringleader.
Actually, I typically think of flocks of birds and schools of fish and how they move when I think bellwether, though it looks like the term came from sheep (oh, the irony!) :))

In starlings, it's called a murmuration (the murmuration starts at 1:25 and the jostling for position on the wire before that is priceless too
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Sounds like you may have been a bellwether

- a wether or other male sheep that leads the flock, usually bearing a bell.
- a person or thing that assumes the leadership or forefront, as of a profession or industry: Paris is a bellwether of the fashion industry.
- a person or thing that shows the existence or direction of a trend; index.
- a person who leads a mob, mutiny, conspiracy, or the like; ringleader.]

take your pick; a oung male, fashionista, trendsetter or ringleader.
Actually, I typically think of flocks of birds and schools of fish and how they move when I think bellwether, though it looks like the term came from sheep (oh, the irony!) :))

In starlings, it's called a murmuration (the murmuration starts at 1:25 and the jostling for position on the wire before that is priceless too
Thanks, what a treat. Are they feeding? I'm surprised starlings roost on the ground, but safety in numbers? I like the old Norman keep on the hill towards the end.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I don't know how so many would feed in such a small place when their numbers are that high! At the same time I imagine that many of them are pecking away at whatever food is to be found in the vicinity... things would get quickly stripped bare this way.

The idea of mumurations of humans has also been playing out in my mind. We have our own bellwethers, trends, waves, 'ideas gone viral', etc
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I don't know how so many would feed in such a small place when their numbers are that high! At the same time I imagine that many of them are pecking away at whatever food is to be found in the vicinity... things would get quickly stripped bare this way.

The idea of mumurations of humans has also been playing out in my mind. We have our own bellwethers, trends, waves, 'ideas gone viral', etc
Just a thought, but could they be feeding on swarms of insects that just happen to be hovering in those fields at that moment in time? Meaning, I don't think they are feeding on leaves, seeds or nuts. When I think of how this could be possible, I remember that life is never mean or stingy (unlike some humans!!!). Life always provides with great excess, with jubilation and joy. Imagine organizing every aspect of every thing that is needed in a certain place in a singular point of time just so that imbalance is averted. Insects when the birds need them. Wind or no-wind when the birds need them. Birds, when the plants need them. Plants when the people need them. Etc.

I only know one thing - great intelligence exists in the tiniest bird. They swarm, because it is the most intelligent thing for them to do. And they stop, just as suddenly. For purposes only they perceive.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
We had an unusual event here a couple of years ago. I was so surprised that I asked the local Audubon people about it, and they were surprised, too.

Next door - front yard has 2 trees near our side and several trees (with berries) in the back yard on our side. We have many trees (with berries) on the other side of our back fence. A large flock of cedar waxwings divided itself into 3 groups and rotated along the 3 groups of trees. This went on for many minutes. I think they understood how many could feed at the berry trees and added a rest station to accommodate the flock size. They took care of most of the berries and managed to poop on my car at the rest station.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
We had an unusual event here a couple of years ago. I was so surprised that I asked the local Audubon people about it, and they were surprised, too.

Next door - front yard has 2 trees near our side and several trees (with berries) in the back yard on our side. We have many trees (with berries) on the other side of our back fence. A large flock of cedar waxwings divided itself into 3 groups and rotated along the 3 groups of trees. This went on for many minutes. I think they understood how many could feed at the berry trees and added a rest station to accommodate the flock size. They took care of most of the berries and managed to poop on my car at the rest station.
Oh, you can be so funny, Linda!

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