Univ of Texas study shows smartphone make you less smart (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Linda submitted a new article.

University of Texas Study Shows Smartphones Make You Less Smart
[caption id="attachment_11583" align="aligncenter" width="1660"] Photo by Flickr user CAFNR.[/caption]

Most of us know that long exposure to our phones is not a good idea, but this study shows another aspect of our association with these devices. Just having it nearby has a negative effect on cognitive processes. The other important part of this study is that it was done by a major university and published in the local paper - very...
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Having a smartphone within sight or within easy reach reduces a person’s ability to focus and perform tasks because part of their brain is actively working to not pick up or use the phone.
I've been trying to shift my awareness of "harmful" technology by recognizing and honoring it as something helpful instead--in that it provides us with a wonderful way to exchange ideas and information! Whenever I find myself feeling at all concerned with the idea that something may be harmful now, I recognize it as simple energy--and I express my intent that anything not in alignment with my own and our collective highest good will do no harm whatsoever. Then I envision any potential harmful energy or effects dissipating and releasing back to Source for recycling.


I feel quite strongly that, as I get better at transmuting these energies, anything not aligned with our highest good will simply wither away (with my blessings and gratitude).

Speaking of transmuting energies, etc., has anyone else noticed that the skies seem much more clear blue--and that there don't seem to be as much (or any) evidence of chemtrails about?? I'm in central California and haven't seen anything at all in over a month! Every plane that goes by seems to have no trail whatsoever. Now, instead of declaring my intentions for clean skies, pure air, and humanity working in harmony with Mother Gaia, I find myself sending forth an offering of "thanks" for the same!

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
This study was not about the physical effects of energy, etc. from smartphones. It was about people's dependence on them as a link to the world. They surmised from the data that when a device is nearby, a person is thinking about it - emails, messages, etc., but when it is removed, the person has more brain power to devote to tasks.

However, it just occurred to me that there was a flaw in the study parameters. In order to be sure it was just a person's dependence on his or her device, another phone should have been hidden in the room part of the time. That would be the only way to determine if it was dependence or actual energetic interference.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
This study was not about the physical effects of energy, etc. from smartphones. It was about people's dependence on them as a link to the world. They surmised from the data that when a device is nearby, a person is thinking about it - emails, messages, etc., but when it is removed, the person has more brain power to devote to tasks.

However, it just occurred to me that there was a flaw in the study parameters. In order to be sure it was just a person's dependence on his or her device, another phone should have been hidden in the room part of the time. That would be the only way to determine if it was dependence or actual energetic interference.
Whoops...sorry about that. I apparently misunderstood the gist of the article. :confused:
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I guess that some people have become so habituated to phone use, that their phone is their go to. It's like being handed a lolly on a plate, instead of having to go and make your own sandwich.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I used to wonder about someone who always was on their phone, even during group meals. Then I found out they had a social anxiety problem and understood the phone was a shield between them and the rest of the world.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Great timing. I plan to show this article to my kids as we are on the cusp of 'the cell phone thing'.
It is a tough battle to fight when 'big' else has one's...and they do, indeed. Tough for this generation to socialize without one, I am told (in all seriousness, as the kids without get left out of plans).
This may help!
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I just promoted this thread to an article on the front page, but for the first time did it a bit differently.

I was able to assign this existing thread, and link it to the article posted.

This means that all comments that exist will now show up on the article on the front page (here), and there is no other thread posted on the forum. This will stop duplication and will stop me having to close threads and explain the situation, etc.

So for example, this is the new article: https://www.transients.info/2017/08/university-texas-study-shows-smartphone-make-less-smart/, but it's connected to this thread here on the forum (https://www.transients.info/roundtable/threads/univ-of-texas-study-shows-smartphone-make-you-less-smart.3214/). As to where you read this writing, it could be on either link.

Great post Linda and it's information I consider really important.
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