My DéJà Vu Is So Extreme I Can’t Tell What’s Real Any More (1 Viewer)

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My DéJà Vu Is So Extreme I Can’t Tell What’s Real Any More
By Pat Long via mosaic (May 30, 2017)

One drab afternoon a few years ago something very unusual happened to me.

I was lounging under a tree in a packed east London park when I experienced a sudden feeling of vertigo, followed immediately by an overwhelming and intense sense of familiarity.

The people around me vanished and I found myself lying on a tartan picnic blanket amid a field of high golden wheat. The memory was rich and detailed. I could hear the sway of the wheat ears as a gentle breeze brushed through them. I felt warm sunlight on the back of my neck and watched as birds wheeled and floated above me.

It was a pleasant and extremely vivid recollection. The problem was...
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
USA submitted a new article.

My DéJà Vu Is So Extreme I Can’t Tell What’s Real Any More
By Pat Long via mosaic (May 30, 2017)

One drab afternoon a few years ago something very unusual happened to me.

I was lounging under a tree in a packed east London park when I experienced a sudden feeling of vertigo, followed immediately by an overwhelming and intense sense of familiarity.

The people around me vanished and I found myself lying on a tartan picnic blanket amid a field of high golden wheat. The memory was rich and detailed. I could hear the sway of the wheat ears as a gentle breeze brushed through them. I felt warm sunlight on the back of my neck and watched as birds wheeled and floated above me.

It was a pleasant and extremely vivid recollection. The problem was...
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I just finished listening to a channeling from Micheila Sheldon (I just started listening to her material recently) and she mentioned how many of us are here now to help observe and heal many timelines and experiences that may be connected to us both karmicly and genetically. I suspect that some forms of deja vu may be actual memories (perhaps held cellularly) from a previous incarnation.

I'm thinking that it might be helpful to acknowledge these experiences as opportunities for healing (whether or not we feel they are legitimately "ours"), integrate them into the wholeness of our being, and feel a sense of gratitude for the experience and its least I don't think such a practice would hurt!

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Part of my journey is that I experienced approximately 7 years of daily Deja Vu (as well as some precognition in dreams). But the Deja Vu was in waking state. I enjoyed it, and looked forward to it. I had no brain tumour (or I guess I would be dead by now). The period of time was in my late 20's to early 30's (so late 1980's to early 1990's). Similar to the author of the article, mine occurred multiple times a day. However, I never thought there was anything wrong. I always thought it was a spiritual experience. I remember sitting on a bus and thinking how lucky I was to be experiencing this.

Also, there is the fact that I either grew out of, or finished that chapter of my life, and the Deja Vu experiences ceased on a regular basis, and now occur very few and far between. I feel that the approximate period of 7 years has something to do with it. Lots of spiritual happenings occur in factors of 7. I feel that this part of my journey was some kind of spiritual maturation.

Obviously, if I had suffered epilepsy then this could have been scientifically discussed, as it is in the article. Interestingly, my twin brother did suffer from a mild form of epilepsy (in young years) but I did not. I was taken to some psychiatric sessions as a child (which I highly resented) to be tested, I guess they were trying to compare the responses of my brother and I.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Deja Vu has been part of my life, although I did not know what it was until I was around 20. Usually I hear or see something and am transported - on the deck watching a hawk and then was on a mesa as young Indian man doing the same thing - standing on the rim of the Capulin volcano looking at the view and was on the rim seeing smoking volcanoes in the distance. I think most of mine are associated with other lives. It feels like I slip into another place or time for a few seconds.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I had a dejavu last night before going to sleep. Considering we have multiple versions of our self playing out different time lines and that we see some of these moments in our life during our life planning, and when things are updated during a life, I think more people would have them, but then I'm sure there are a lot who don't even mention it.
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Karen Clover

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 2, 2016
Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA
My Deja Vu events are far and few between. I did, however, have one yesterday for a split second. I just moved into a different house. It's an older house and the second night I stayed I had an OBE and then yesterday I had a moment of Deja Vu, which makes me wonder if there is something about this house, or that I'm becoming more aware.
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