
  1. Bill

    Clif on his return to deep woo and why he's emphasized Bitcoin

    Here's a couple of minute extract from an ~2.5 hour interview Clif High recently did with Off Planet Media discussing Time and the ever present now. This extract comes from the last few minutes of the interview. In it Clif reveals he is going to be bringing forward more of the deep woo he used...
  2. Bill

    Churn in the Crypto World

    The last few weeks have seen a lot of churn in the crypto world. BTC briefly touched $5000USD/BTC and then fell back to about $3000. (But has been recovering nicely these past few days). I believe this churn is the result of blockchain technology based "currencies" getting their legs and...
  3. Bill

    Bitcoin documentary on Netflix

    Being house-bound these past days due to the storm I've found some time to surf through things on Netflix I've wanted to see. Yesterday watched a quite interesting 2017 documentary on Bitcoin around what it is and how it works, and the challenges it's had in it's early days and where it may be...
  4. Bill

    Blockchain antics

    The last week to 10 days has seen a lot of action in the pricing of various crypto currencies. First they were hammered down quite a lot (BTC briefly fell below $2000USD/BTC). And then the last 48 hrs have seen a nice recovery to above $2700. Much of the market action was tied to a critical...
  5. Bill

    Special Webbot report - BTC and PM - 13 Jan 2017

    On 13-January Clif released a special Webbot (aka ALTA) which focuses on bitcoin (BTC) and silver and gold. Clif was guided to be release this report ('Riding the Dragon') prior to the weekend as the data is indicating there could be various temporal markers (TMs in Clif-speak) falling this...
  6. Bill

    New Clif vid - 12-Jan-2017

    I'm doing post and will also do a 2nd post shortly thereafter. On 12-January Clif made a video post (~20 min) on his YouTube channel in which he discusses the near results from a special interim Webbot report that he planned to release by 14-January (actual release was 13-Jan). He is making...
  7. Bill

    Trump Landslide - Clif High Interview 28-Oct-2016

    In this YouTube video released today (28-Oct-2016) Clif is interviewed for 54 minutes by Greg Hunter. It is a far ranging discussion of the election (Trump in a 25 to 1 landslide win although the deep state may manipulate the results), the beginning of economic turmoil on 9-Nov, the rise in...
  8. Bill

    How did you set up for BTC?

    I recently had a PM from someone asking about setting up for getting BTC. I wondered how many here may have worked through setting up themselves for getting BTC and if there is a bit of primer for "best practices" in doing so. Lots of aspects to consider from getting funds out of your bank into...