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  1. Anna

    The herbal medicine thread

    I have always been interested in different herbs and the healing effects they have and experienced many great benefits, including psychedelics. The society demands quick solutions as well as for economical reasons with a result where a lot of people are addicted to chemicals with a lot of side...
  2. Anna

    A postcard from Atlantis

    A postcard from Atlantis Feel your way as the mind cannot find, your true essence, your souls deepest call. The chrystal children on earth, the ones with many names and diagnoses. They are not here, to be objects for societys experiments, to fit into the norms. They have not come for to live...
  3. Anna

    Pleiadan spiritual advice

    I enjoyed this pleiadan talk, chanelled by Barbara Marciniak, with lots of great advice how to move easier through hard times as we are dealing with material from the subconscious and how to work with energy in the consciousness shift. I liked the spining advice, supposed to help for our...
  4. Anna

    Oh dark mother- a poem/song

    While in Glastonbury, working with the shadow in a medicine-woman training we were walking in a spiral formed path in the dark for five hours, a great challenge for conquer fears and also rising part of ourselves that sometimes are hidden because of daily life with all things which needs to be...
  5. Anna

    A Vision-Quest and the Gift of the Nettle Plant

    Anna submitted a new article Click here to continue reading the entire article.
  6. Anna

    Create a poem/song out of a dream

    Create a poem/song out of a dream can be a fun and alternative way to express a dream in a dreamjournal or for just using dreams as an inspiration source for writing. Sometimes we might have feelings, thought or visions lying latent which we feel not able to grasp or express. Then, using a dream...
  7. Anna

    Some thoughts and QHHT

    I did one QHHT session and i wanted to share some thoughts from the sessions. A lot of interesting information came up including past lifes, soul purpose, relationships, spiritual guides and their role and more. I just want to share some parts of it. When i was about 13 i went on a dancing camp...
  8. Anna

    Tom Campbell about oob:s in relation to beliefs

    Tom Campbell discuss the relationship betweeen oob:s, beliefs and fear. I think its interesting that he lifts up that when we say we try to go out of the body with diffrent teqniques we are actually focused on that the counsciousness is only in our body/brain and as a consequence our beliefs...
  9. Anna

    The Little bhuddist monk and the Beautiful flower

    A cute story which warmed my heart about the Little bhuddist monk and his attachment to a Beautiful flower. My favorite part is when he tries to concentrate on the chanting with the other monks, but he can only think about the flower. I think it mirrors that when we are too occupied with what we...
  10. Anna

    The chinese farmer and maybe

    If judging an event as good or bad less quickly then maybe we could save energy by not reacting emotionally as a consequence or maybe bring out the "true" emotions and get more in tune with the autentic us. This is a lovely short story by Alan Watts which mirrors why we should be careful when...